Okay... In an attempt to actually finish something, or maybe just get bits and pieces out of my head, I present my Three A Day Goal: Three paragraphs a day, until I either need a better (bigger?) challenge, or decide that I'm sick of the whole thing. I'm placing no restrictions upon myself as to who, what, why, where, or when of the paragraphs, so please keep this in mind if you run across something that makes little sense to you. They may also be -longer- than three paragraphs, that's merely the number I chose for the absolute -least- I can do.
Arranged only in the order in which they are written, I give you my work:
- Yet another retroactively-added piece of work. Y'know how movies featuring cataclysmic events (Twister, Earthquake, Volcano, any airplane-crash movie/movie spoofed in Airplane! or Airplane! 2) usually do pretty well at the box-office? This features Our Heroes in something of an Alternate Universe vignette, making it an AU of an AU. I also think the bloodloss portion of things may be rather inaccurate.
Date Unknown
Rating: Uhm... PG? I may give up on rating these things unless they're NC-17 or something.
- The swimming pool at the Pierpont Hotel is a nice place to hang out...
Rating: G, I think...
9.19.98 (Added retroactively)
- Faith, Love, Hope and Charity are the Virtues. This one, however, is less-than...
Rating: Uh... PG?
9.26.98 (ditto above)
- Inspired by a conversation with a friend, Defining Moments 01 seems to be a quick sketch from the early adulthood of everyone's favorite trader.
Rating: PG-13
- Ever think about leftovers when you -aren't- hungry?
Rating: G
- Beej spends a little time at a 'correctional facility' during Visiting Hours.
Rating: PG
This piece expanded slightly.
- When you look at him, you might see just another boy...
Rating: G
- You know the rhyme... "Bang, bang, you're dead..."
Rating: G
- "Down and down I go, 'round and 'round I go, caught in that old black magic..." Three guesses as to who -this- features... *Grin*
Rating: G
- I'll probably write a prequel to this snippet, about Dro's first day in the wonderful world of education.
Rating: G, with lysdexic themes
- A glimpse at the origins (sort of) and a secret of one Hollyfade Gloriesfield...
Rating: PG...?
(Note: I -do- realize that it _helps_ to add a link in the proper place... *Shakes head*)
- This dream of Marc-Paul's doesn't -really- belong here, but it's the most writing I've done recently, so...
Rating: Mild PG, more of a G, to me at least.
10.10.98, 10.11.98
- One evening, in a grungy little club... Thomas Murphy Gilbertie changes his name. Again.
Rating: G, unless you're incredibly and easily offended.
- You really should be careful what you choose to do with a public computer.... And -always- remember your mother's question: "Would -you- like it if someone made fun of you?"
Rating: Um... PG, I think, for sensitive issues and some not-so-nice thoughts.
Written: 10.15.98
U/L: 10.19.98
- Mercury introduces Rio to a friend of his.
Rating: G, 'less you're particularly prudish.
10.15.98 <-- This is when it was written. It got left at school over the weekend.
- Another little chunk of writing concerning Marc-Paul's days with the VCV.
Rating: G
- And now, a few words with our guest, Rio Freeverse. (Yes, I -am- easily amused. So?)
Rating: Oh, mild PG for mild language.
- Getting up isn't always this nice... But then again, neither are a lot of things.
Rating: G
- And here's one of those things that's not so pretty. Written on a bad day, be warned...
Rating: R/NC-17 for somewhat nonsensical rambling using terrible language.
- Everyone likes getting good seats for games... Even if they aren't exactly fans of the sport.
Rating: G
- You -know- you're stuck when you start arguing with your Cs...
Rating: G? PG, for some...mature...thoughts? Do you even -care-?
10.27.98 (Lucky you! Two in one day!)
- And then, sometimes, you get lucky and someone else's character will speak to you.
Neets is 'Reesa The Wonderful's. *Nod*
Rating: PG-13 for disturbing themes.
- Oh, look... Muls is mulling things.
Rating: G.
- Ever wonder where nomadic traders go for dessert? (To be expanded, eventually.)
Rating: G, for now.
- "Ha! I can come up with something better than that trash!" Uh... Maybe.
Rating: Er... I don't know. You're on your own.
- This really should be stuck into Pop2, above, between the craps game and the scene before. However, I wrote it in a different file and couldn't come up with a suitable segue (like that's stopped me before...) for it.
Rating: PG, I guess. In limbo between G and PG. You pick.
- ...And sometimes, things just sort of come out of nowhere. I have neither explanation or excuse for this, so make of it what you will...
Rating: Heh. G, and a 'W' for weirdness.
- Two small scenes in a hallway... Not necessarily the -same- hall, or occurring on the same day.
Rating: PG-13 for instances of someone claiming to be human being beastly to Sweet Victor. Oh, and I guess there's a lip-lock or two, too.
- This odd tidbit now has an Author's Note page, which is probably less informative than the following synopsis. Alcohol, denim, a complete stranger giving Our Favorite Trader lots of money... A work in progress.
Rating: PG, I guess.
Started 11.30.98
Updated 12.01 and 12.02.98
Author's Note finally added 12.30.98
- The greatest mystery of the Haverstead oasis is the name, since no one named 'Haverstead' discovered the area.
Rating: PG. Maybe. If you know of this page, you're -probably- old enough to read this without being offended.
- Oh, Rats! - Wherein The Nameless Girl gets stuck, gives directions, and has hopes shattered. Not an angst/despair piece, just in case you were worried.
Rating: G.
- And speaking of double entendres... Marc is shocked to discover that Victor is not the innocent that he pretends to be. Sort of.
12.29 - 12.30.98
Rating: PG, unless you're terribly prudish...
- And a happy new year... We start out with this, which I keep trying to make sweeter and softer and more Morning-fuzzy. It's not working, which annoys me, but as it's the only thing -close- to fitting my TAD Challenge criteria, Oh Well.
Rating: G, with an 'S' for 'Sap'.
- And then we move on to something a little...darker. -Started- on a particularly _nasty_ Friday evening, it features a Character that's a bit like Cyngravia -- At first glance, they look like a one-shot, something to blow off steam or add comic relief. The longer they stick around, though, they evolve legs and unfold like an onion.
Rating: 'S' for Sad, Scathing, and Sort-of Satire.
Oh, yes... He didn't know how -lucky- he was. *Snicker*
- I can't actually remember when I wrote this by hand, but I'm pretty sure it was about a month or so ago. I'm just going by the date that I typed things up on... Anyhow, it's short (as per the usual) and features a nervous Blackwater and his green-haired sweetie.
Rating: Bah. I refuse to rate this one... I will caution you that there's blatant and near-gratuitous...hand-holding(!) in it, though.
- If you hadn't realized it by now, this piece featuring a small but significant event in Neets' life proves that I write in a pinball manner.
As has been mentioned, Neets belongs to Reesa the Spiffy.
Rating: Uh, G?
I'm sure you know this, but just so everyone's clear on the rules...
Everything on this and related pages, _unless_ specified -otherwise-, is copyright (©) 1998 - 1999 by Shannon M. and/or T.O.C. If you wanna reproduce it elsewhere, please ask first. Thanks.