Okay... In an attempt to actually finish something, or maybe just get bits and pieces out of my head, I present my Three A Day Goal: Three paragraphs a day, until I either need a better (bigger?) challenge, or decide that I'm sick of the whole thing. I'm placing no restrictions upon myself as to who, what, why, where, or when of the paragraphs, so please keep this in mind if you run across something that makes little sense to you. They may also be -longer- than three paragraphs, that's merely the number I chose for the absolute -least- I can do.

Arranged only in the order in which they are written, I give you my work:
































nudges and winks
should be sent -here-.



Last Update: - 01.15.99 -

I'm sure you know this, but just so everyone's clear on the rules...

Everything on this and related pages, _unless_ specified -otherwise-, is copyright (©) 1998 - 1999 by Shannon M. and/or T.O.C. If you wanna reproduce it elsewhere, please ask first. Thanks.