


"Don't forget, we have a spelling test on Friday." Miss DuBois simply shook her head at the chorus of groans that rose from her students, shuffling through the books and papers on her desk. "Okay, it looks like that's it for today... I want you all to be sure to study the words we worked on today, and you'll also need to have the one-one-one rule memorized... See you all tomorrow!" Smiling, she looked her students over as they began uncoiling from their after-lunch lethargy, gathering their belongings and starting small conversations among themselves.

The little woman watched a particularly puzzling student as she rounded up papers that needed grading and workbooks... Drocalen was the youngest student in her class, easily five or six years behind everyone, and certainly the shyest, though he -did- seem to be getting over that. He was extraordinarily bright, which was pretty much a given if one was in her class, and he'd impressed several of the older people with several consecutive puns the other day...

"What time do you usually get here? 'Cause if you want, I can teach you to play chess... I know you're here before I am, so..." Julian patted the portable chess set where it sat on his desk, one arm wrapped around his green notebook, holding it to his chest. He was grinning at the younger man, roundish face smooth and friendly.

Drocalen carefully tucked the last piece of paper into his binder and snapped the rings shut, slowly re-reading the 1-1-1 rule laboriously copied from the blackboard in his sprawling, loopy handwriting before looking up. "Um... I'm not sure. About, um...fifteen minutes before class starts?" Blushing a little, wondering why he was doing so, he glanced to the folded game with its orderly black and white squares and nods. "Would you? It's not very hard, is it?" It seemed like the right question to ask. He felt the least out-of-place in this class, where he didn't tower over the other students, or have to keep asking for things to be reiterated... It was a comfort to be among people that were always asking what this was or that meant, or saying that they didn't get something. He also liked Miss DuBois rule that you couldn't call anybody else 'stupid' or tell them to shut up just because they were asking. "After all," She was fond of saying. "The only way to find out is to ask."

"Yeah, you're always here when I get here, so... Yeah. Okay, I'll be here early then, tomorrow." His grin widens, Julian's head nodding in time to the bouncing of his knee... Not a habit, not to get rid of excess energy, but merely another quirk that went along with all the things that landed you in this class. "Nah, it's easy. All you gotta do is t'learn how the pieces move." Shaking his hair out of his eyes, he checks his watch, making an exaggeratedly horrified face. "Welp, I gotta go or I'll miss my ride... See ya!" Scooping the flat box from the desktop, he stands and swiftly makes his way out of the classroom, whistling something vaguely familiar as he goes.

"Tomorow." Dro nods, solemn, closing his notebook gently and drumming his fingers on the pale blue canvas. The reasurrance that chess wasn't difficult to learn draws another smile from him, and the face gets a real laugh from the boy. "Goodbye, then." Returning his attention to packing up his belongings, he leans down and tugs his new backpack out from under his seat, resting it in his lap briefly. Unzipping it forces him to rearrange a few things... His box of crayons would get broken if it stayed on the bottom much longer, and there were things falling out of his math book... Setting his math, reading, and Slingerland books out on his desk, he studied them with a small frown.

He was a real mess, academically speaking. Remedial reading with the first-graders, math with the second-graders, and then working on handwriting and spelling with...adults. He didn't think that people stayed in school their entire lives, so they must want to keep learning, or something. He'd have to ask Maliah or Joe when he got back. Speaking of getting back...! Almost all the other students were gone, and They'd be expecting him back, soon... He had to get going. Shoving books and papers haphazardly into his pack, he nibbled at his lower lip. He actually liked going to school, and They'd probably lock him up for good if They thought he'd taken off again... The crayons are last in, the dark green knapsack hurriedly zipped up, and Dro nearly runs down Miss DuBois in his haste.