

Stottlemyre watched the cursor blinking in the 'To:' field of the new e-mail message he'd opened, chewing reflectively on the end of a ballpoint pen. It had taken him a while to get used to being subscribed to the discussion lists at work, let alone actively -encouraged- to go looking for bits and pieces of unsubstantiated rumor... He decided that he could probably get used to it.

"Dear... Nah." Leaving the pen in is mouth, he rests his hands on the keyboard and tries to figure out how to introduce himself to the list at large. Maybe he should read a few more posts, just to get a feel for it... Hm.

> Hey, guys...
> My name is Jane, but I go by 'Stickboy' (long story; don't ask). I've been a
> fan for X years/weeks/months/days, and some of my favorite players
> are ... .

Easy enough... Nodding to himself, Muls copies and pastes the address into the proper spot, then gets to work composing his intro.


> To: krushersfans@mailist.discourse.kmsi
> From: mlstottlemre@btn.net
> Hello...
> My name is Muls, and I haven't been a big fan for very long... In fact,
> I (sacrilige of sacrilige!) really only became interested in hockey due to
> my job. I'm a sportswriting intern; they needed someone to cover hockey,
> and I was the only one that had the time. I /do/ like the game, though, if
> you were worried.
> Being a newcomer, I don't really have any favored players or positions... But I
> do have lots of questions! One in particular is:
> Has professional hockey become more or less violent in recent years?
> Any and all facts and opions are appreciated.
> Thanx,
> Muls


There... Suitably newbielike, gets some research done, and...who knew? Yes, it was stretching the truth a bit, since he most certainly was -not- an intern... He also didn't really consider himself a sports writer, but given that he was supposed to be writing about hockey, which, last he knew -was- a sport...

Shaking his head at himself again, Mulholland tried to remember what possessed him to even consider applying to Behind The Net....

Well, hunger was a decided motivating factor... Which was silly, considering that he'd been making -very- good money at H&K. Better than he'd be making at BtN, that was for sure.

"Hello, there, Stottlemyre... How's the Whelen account coming? And have you collated those breifs, yet?"

"Have you done this? Where's that? Why haven't you done this that and the other thing?"

Grumbling to himself, he shook the memories off. Granted, he'd liked the -work- he'd done, for the most part.