There was something to be said for rising with the sun... Usually, for him, it was "Ugh..." before he turned over and went back to sleep.
Not this morning, though. He didn't know why he was even awake, since not only had he been up far too late last night, he had the freedom to sleep the whole of the morning away...
But awake he was, and he decided he may as well enjoy it. There was a certain sleepy quality to the air, something that made him inclined to sneak around even if there was no one else to worry about waking. This morning, it was a legitimate fear... And if he was lucky, it would stay that way for the rest of his natural years. Grinning softly, he carefully sat up and looked down at the figure curled up beside him... a small hand curled into a loose fist, tucked up against a pale mouth, the sweep of dark lashes against one smooth cheek... Lovely. Sighing happily, he folded himself down to give his beloved a quick smooch, then slipped out of bed altogether, considerately tucking the bedclothes back in so Neets wouldn't get cold.
Pondering his sudden, sappy turn of mind, he wandered into the bathroom and snickered at his reflection... Well, at his hair, anyhow. A friendly-hair day was in store... Good thing he wore a hat. Kept it from standing up and waving at everyone that passed...