"Oh... You're-" Pausing, the disgruntled man behind the thick partition points at the child his brother holds. "Who the hell is -that-?"
"And hello to you, too, 'Dazzo. This?" Grinning sweetly, he cocks his head and looks at Kath, bouncing her a bit on his hip before glancing back to his brother. "This is Katherine, your niece. Kath, this grouch is your uncle Randazzo." The little girl blinks at 'Dazzo, then returns to her self-appointed task of gnawing on her father's collar.
Beej, ignoring the soft noise of her teething, eases himself into the ugly plastic chair provided for visitors. "So, how're you? Thinking of giving up your lawless ways? And Neets sends his regards, by the way..."
"My -niece-? She's your- Where'd you get her? -Why- did you? And you really -do- enjoy irritating me, don't you?" Crossing his arms, he scowls at the other man, eyes unwillingly drawn to the child on his lap. "I'm as well as I can be, considering. It's not -my- fault they think I'm a criminal, you know. And I don't care -what- the psych profiles say." 'Dazzo snorts, making a face at the greeting. "I'm sure he does. Evil little boy..."
A small snicker escapes him at that. "Yes... It's all very complicated, and not something I particularly feel like sharing, at the moment." Silent, thoughtful, Beej brushes at the girl's oddly-colored hair for a moment. "Why? Because... Well, who knows. Biological imperatives? We were just ready? Incredible pressure from our beloved parents, who no longer care that Neets isn't a woman?" He shrugs, mouth pressing thin at 'Dazzo's pronouncement. "He seemed rather sincere when he asked me to say hello to you, and, for the last time, he is -not- a child."
"Yes, -do- refrain from sharing the disgusting details, won't you? Thanks ever so..." His niece. How old would Nomi's kids be, now? How old was -Nomi-? The fact that he actually -missed- his sister, brother-in-law and their offspring left him feeling a bit startled, which he covers by leaning forward and studying Katherine more closely. "Where'd she get that hair?" Blinking, he looks up, ever the skeptic. "Mother and father -know-, and they don't care any more? You should write to me more often." Not that he was -pleased- by this announcement, mind you. "So? I don't care, Blackwater. The point is, you two do...whatever it is you do, and -now- you're going to do it around -her-." He points at the babe, who's worked her way down to the lapel of Beej's jacket, happily soaking it with spit as well. "It's just...wrong."
His response is a non-committal little sound and another shrug, resettling his daughter in his lap. "We're not sure. All we can come up with is that green isn't a recessive trait." His smile is back, but this time it's mild, almost sarcastic. "Well... They've gotten used to the idea, gradually. It's one of those odd things... It started with an accidentally-dropped hint, a mild slip from a feminine to masculine form of some word or other, and we've just sort of gradually increased the incidences until it doesn't seem to matter. Neither of them have confronted us, and now they have Kath to fuss over, so I don't think it'd be too big a shock if they figure it out, or we tell them, or something. I'd write to you more often, I think, if I got a reply once in a while..."
Blackwater assumes an air of boredom as 'Dazzo blathers, rescuing his hat from becoming the next victim of itchy gums. Prying the brim out of her fingers, he shakes his head. "That's not on the approved list, dear. Here..." Gesturing to his brother, he fishes in a pocket and comes up with a somewhat linty... chew toy...? It seems to keep Katherine happy, so... Leveling his best 'don't be an idiot' look on the other man, he waves his free hand. "Yes, yes, I've heard it all before, Raaaandy. We're going to corrupt her, damage her irreversibly simply because we happen to, oh, good Gods, maybe -hug- in front of her. Please, I know you have a brain in there -somewhere-, use it. People say the same damn thing about giving her too much sugar, potty-training her at the wrong time, or putting her to bed ten minutes later than she -shoooould- be. Hell's Bells, she doesn't even stay in the same fragging -time zone- from one month to the next, what are _we_ going to do to her?"
Randazzo shifted uncomfortably in his chair, glowering at his brother. "I could care less what's recessive or not. I don't -want- to hear about it." The child that was now chewing on something that looked uncomfortably like a dog toy fascinated him, and he crossed his arms to keep from reaching out for her. He wanted to hold her... To actually -be- what her father had introduced him as, rather than the criminal he supposed he was. This, in turn, irked him. Since when did the consequences of what he did bother -him-? "A reply? Hm. You know," he leaned forward here, folding his arms on the ledge before him. "It's funny. I don't -hate- either of you, but I don't -like- you much, either. And now, -she's- part of your life..."
Beej watched 'Dazzo's face closely, wincing a bit as Kath abandoned the toy to gnaw happily one of his fingers. The other man wasn't finished speaking, so he remained silent, waiting with patience born of years of practice.
"Do you... Would you consider letting me come by and see her, some day?" The question is quiet, the eldest Jones still peering thoughtfully at his newest relative. Snickering to himself, he raises his eyes and sits back, shaking his head, his tone dry when he next speaks. "I didn't think my arguments would change your mind, but I figured I'd make a token effort. After all, if mother and father don't care..."
"You want to drop in on us?" Mildly surprised, Blackwater bites back something nasty. 'Dazzo seemed to at least be making an effort to be less obnoxious than usual, so he figured he ought to at least -try- to return the effort. "Sure, just call first so we can be home." Shrugging, he retrieves his slobbery digit and offers the toy to the kid again. "Thank you, I think, 'Dazzo. If it makes you feel any better, -I- have never harbored more than a passing animosity towards you... Mostly annoyance for your tendency to behave...unintelligently. And you -were- rather rude to Neets, which never goes over well with -either- of us."