She stared at the screen, then shook her head. A fat woman, the sister of another fat woman... The woman -not- screaming was sniffling quietly, while her ex-boyfriend-turned-woman (drag queen?) shouted back at her sister. The girl snorts at the screen... What a passel of ninnies, even if the guy in drag or transsexual or whatever was somewhat lovely.
There, that was what she could do... Become a talk-show host that had weird guests, not neccesarily the complete freaks like on the Springer show... Something like, Women Who Find Effeminate Men and Men In Drag to be Attractive... Or The Bouncers From Other Shows.... Ha. And maybe she'd walk naked on the moon.
Really, though, she honestly wondered how the people on those shows could debase themselves like that. Did they truly feel some sort of warm fuzziness when they turned to their wives or husbands or lovers and say, "Honey... I've been lying to you, I'm a man and I've decided to run away with our insurance agent..."? And how did they come to the conclusion that national television was the best place to come out? "Mom, I'm gay... And I want the whole world to know!" Why not just print up handbills and wear a plaque? Or kiss their lover in the middle of the mall?
And they always looked so... Awful. Well, okay, there was the odd exception. But for the most part, everyone looked like they could use not only a good shower, but a personal shopper and a refresher course in appropriate behavior. Doubting they ever kissed their mothers with those mouths (mostly because they were too busy fighting), she rolls her eyes and changes the channel.