Facilities / Materials
This is not a computer class, but computers play an important role in it. Some instruction in how to use computers in creative ways will be provided in the class sessions, but much of your interaction with the computers will be informal. The classroom is available to you throughout the week when it is not in use for this class or other honors classes(one of the other honors classes meets there from from 1 to 3:45 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, and another from 9 a.m. to 12:45 on Fridays), and you are encouraged to make use of it.
It is assumed that class members know how to use e-mail and search for information on the World Wide Web (several years ago, when this course was first offered, many of the class members had their first encounters with e-mail and the Web in this class). This CD includes a series of instruction sheets on how to construct Web pages and the class may have its own Web site, as it has in the past (the Web site for the 1997-98 class can still be visited. (It looked better on older versions of the Web browsers than it does on the new ones.)
No textbooks are required for this course. The session instructors will prepare seminar materials including handouts.