More about grading

On student transcripts, the course probably appears as a six-credit, fall semester course. It is, nonetheless, a two-semester course. The course grade will be submitted at the end of the Spring 2002 semester. Technically, students will receive a deferred grade at the end of the fall semester

There are four components to the grade for this class:

Group discussions 16%
Synthesis assignments 34%
Participation 5%
Project 45%

Group discussion sessions come at the end of each of the four major sections of this course. Class members will be assigned to small groups at the beginning of each of the four sections, and each group will be responsible for leading part of the discussion session. Discussion sessions should respond to material presented by the instructors in the previous classes but do not have to be limited by it. It is fine to take unconventional approaches in dealing with the material.

The synthesis assignments are short reports that are due the week after the discussion sessions. (The second synthesis report will be due the first class of spring semester.) The reports should be three, double-spaced, typewritten or printed pages long. They should reflect upon and expand upon the ideas presented in the lectures. The criteria for grading will be comprehension of the material, insightfulness, and clarity of expression. Please make enough copies of each assignment so that everyone in the class can have one.

Participation is for attendance and any activity that session instructors assign in connection with their presentations.

Larry Pearson, Ph.D., instructor

Fall-Spring 2001-02
5:30 - 8:15 p.m. Thursdays