The authority of the Word (New and Old Testaments) for us until Jesus comes in Power and glory with His complete revelation.

The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord

The doctrine of the Trinity, one God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The fall of man, his subsequent moral depravity and his need for salvation through Jesus Christ.

The complete atonement for sin in Christ's finished work on the cross.

The doctrine of justification by faith in Christ's atonement.

The resurrection of the body, both in the case of the just and the unjust.

The eternal life of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost.

The imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



Testimony of Mark Swensen

I was raised in a Christian home and grew up in New Hope Free Will Baptist Church. I professed Christ as my personal Savior at age seven and followed Him in baptism at the age of 12. While a junior in High School, I had the opportunity to go to Bolivia, South America on a mission trip. It was on this trip that I first felt the call to full time mission work. I experienced first hand, how missions in many regions of the world depend on aviation. A seed was planted, which eventually grew into my calling as a missionary pilot/mechanic. When I learned of the ministry of MARC, I felt a very strong peace that this is where God would have my family serve. I praise God for this calling to be sent to help spread the Gospel to those who are lost.

Testimony of Michele Swensen

I was raised in a Christian home and attended the First Evangelical Congregational Church throughout my childhood. I received Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of nine and was baptized shortly thereafter. During high school I took a short term missions trip with Teen Missions to Ecuador. It was during this experience that I dedicated my life to serving the Lord in any way He led me. Upon hearing of the ministry of Missionary Aviation Repair Center in Alaska, my heart became burdened to be a part of it. I had never had any desire to live and work in a cold climate, for I had always imagined serving in a tropical part of the world. However, we must always seek God's will, not ours and through this, I cannot imagine being anywhere else. My desire is for God to use me mightily in any capacity He sees fit to reach the people of Alaska with His love and His gift of salvation.