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ispatches from The Expedition

April 19, 1999

Basecamp, Mt. Everest (via satellite phone)
Elevation: 5110m/16,761ft
Sunny, 30's F night/60's F day, windy

Talli Leach, ABC Planning

This is Talli Leach reporting for Patagonia Mountain Agency, report from basecamp. The weather here has been very sunny, no shortage of wind, and temps ranging from mid-60's during the day to low 30's at night.


Friday morning the yaks arrived to carry all necessary food and gear up to ABC (Advanced Base Camp). All left for Intermediate Camp at 5600 meters except for Eric, Masa, Witek, and myself. Manning the radio and other duties around BC kept us occupied.

One night was spent at IC, then it was up to ABC at 6400 meters. All arrived safely, but feeling the effects of the altitude. Appetite was not so good and there is very little sleep due to the high winds gusting up to 60 miles an hour. On sunday Tadek, Omar, and Ian ventured back down to BC. They all were feeling good and after a few days resting at BC they will head back up to ABC with the rest of the climbers.

Today Basha, Pawel, and Zdyszek will make the long journey back to BC. That leaves Ryszard, Jacek, and Pasang to set up the camp on the North Coll. We expect to see them back at BC on Tuesday.

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