If you're buying or selling a home...Prudential Vista Real Estate is the Answer!
From nationwide marketing support and name recognition, to highly trained sales associates with
ROCK solid experience, Prudential Vista Real estate delivers results!

We are proud of our record and aim to score ever higher in service and customer satisfaction.

1. Sales over $348,000,000 in 1997.

2. Prudential Vista Real Estate handles the largest builder account in Alaska, Spinell Homes.
Plus...Our Anchorage Builders: Bruin Builders, C & T Construction, Diamond Development Inc., Discovery Homes, Elkhorn Log HomeBuilders Inc., Fineline Builders Inc., Hearthstone Homes, Heartland Homes, Hultquist Homes, Innovative Construction & Design, Jackson Quality Homes, Landcrafter Homes, Lee's Custom Designs, Michelsohn & Daughter, Northwood Homes, The Petersen Group, Preston Homes, Sheerline, Spinell Homes, Suiter Construction, Superior Custom, Telemark Construction, and Turner Construction. Eagle River: Burlingham Designers & Builders, Eagle Ventures, and Quinlin Construction. Mat-Su: Castle Builders, Double Horseshoe Investments, Friensen Custom Cabins, Hall Quality Homes, Homes by Randell, Koberg Construction, M.W. Cole Construction, McLain Construction, Paul Bunyan, Ben Pollen, and Sumner Construction.  

3. Vista's average agent production in 1997 was $2,759,000.

4. A $40,000 per month Anchorage Daily News advertisement budget.

5. At Prudential Vista Real Estate we believe in education!
a) Action Training for the New Agent
b) Certified Residential Sales Training
c) Prudential National Training
d) New Construction Classes (brought to us through our Builder Representatives)
e) Four (4) weeks to Success Workshop
f) In-house Continuing Education Seminars
g) On Staff Trainer
h) Pre-licensing Instruction

6. Our Corporate Relocation Division is pleased to serve the following Companies:
Americorp, ARCO, Boatman's Relocation, BP, Buyers Profile Relo, Chevron, Commonwealth Relocation, Cooperative Homes of America, Ecology and Environmental Services, Exxon, FAA, Federal Express, GE Capital Assets, Genesis Relocation, Halliburton Relocation Services, Kodak, Kraft General Foods, Maxus Energy, Military Relocation, Owens Corp. Services, PHH Home Equity, Premier Relocation, Prudential Home Management, Schlumberger, Toys R Us, The Associates, USAA, and Western Relocation.

7. Vista is designated to handle property for the following institutional owners:
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union, Beltway, Countrywide, Denali Federal Credit Union, Fannie Mae, First National Bank of Anchorage, Freddie Mac, Great Western Savings & Loan, Lomas Nettleton, Mortgage Guarantee Insurance Co. and PCN.

8. Over 100 Homes Sold Per Month.

9. In 1994 Vista purchased a 22,000 sqft. office building in Anchorage which houses 112 agents.

10. In 1995 Vista purchased an 18,000 building in Eagle River which houses 16 agents.

11. In 1996 Vista merged with Marston Real Estate which is one of Anchorage's oldest Brokerages (established in 1945). The Matanuska-Susitna Valley office houses 19 agents.

12. And "Aligning with Prudential Real Estate Affiliates has helped Vista take the next step in enhancing the quality of our service," says owner Rick Fuller."We're always looking for new ways to improve. As a matter of fact, we share the Prudential philosophy of "Satisfaction and then some." Rick explains, "Our growth is ahead of us - and it's customer driven growth."


Prudential Vista Real Estate


...Are you tired of splitting your commissions with a broker?
...Are you feeling like you aren't receiving enough services?

Prudential Vista's compensation plan is your answer!

Interested? Contact Rick Fuller, Barb Ernisse or Ralph Nobrega at (907) 562-6464 for a confidential interview
and information on this income increasing opportunity with Prudential Vista Real Estate.
Call today and get credit for your 1997 income.

Access Prudential Corporation career information page at



4241 B Street, Anchorage, AK 99503
Tel. (907) 562-6464, Nationwide Toll-Free (800) 909-6464
Fax (907) 562-5485


16635 Centerfield, Eagle River, AK 99577
Tel. (907) 689-6464,
Nationwide Toll-Free (800) 610-6464
Fax (907) 689-6499


1365 E. Parks Highway, Wasilla, AK 99654
Tel. (907) 376-2414,
In-State Toll-Free (800) 770-5592, Nationwide Toll-Free (800) 352-7022
ax (907) 376-5471


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Last modified: September 10, 1997