Vision to See the Possibilities
The future sees a commercial real estate arena full of possibilities for those who adapt to change and align themselves with strategic partners to seize emerging business opportunities. The independently owned and operated member companies of the Prudential Real Estate Affiliates who are member companies of the Prudential Commercial Services Network share this vision of possibilities. The Prudential Commercial Services Network has the initiative and resources to develop the team and action plan best suited to your needs - and the power of the Rock to get it done.
Strength and Resources
The Prudential Rock is recognized worldwide. The Rock is also the symbol of Prudential Insurance Company of America, which owns and manages assets of approximately $300 billion, and is one of the largest property owners in America. Through Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Prudential Commercial Network leverages this strength through strategic alliances. These alliances serve to provide commercial real estate customers with brokerage services, leasing and tenant representation, market research and selection, management services, and, through Prudential Securities, access to the debt and equity marketplaces.
Strategic Partners
The Prudential Commercial Services Network believes you should have the talent on hand where and when you need it. The Strategic Partners Advantage gives you this edge. In addition to full commercial real estate brokerage services, each member company of Prudential Commercial Services Network offers a menu of marketing services and a cadre of allied services to ensure that you have the breadth and depth of local, regional, and national talent where and when you need it.
The Power to Get It Done
The Prudential Commercial Services Network is a proactive marketing force available to manage your every commercial real estate need. Network members believe in a team approach to client service and provide continuous status reporting. Communication and networking are key work ethics. Proprietary systems, procedures, marketing methods and electronic communication leverage the strength of each individual company.
Local Market Knowledge
Knowledge is power. Each sales professional of Prudential Commercial Services Network is a local market expert who can assemble the team and resources to provide you with the information you need about zoning, demographics, local and state governmental procedures and more. By assembling the strategic partners you need, your Prudential Commercial Services Network member company provides you with commercial real estate power.
The Prudential Commercial Services Network
Through the 1,200 real estate offices of Prudential Commercial Services Affiliates, Prudential Commercial Services Network members receive referrals, provide services to, and conduct transactions in commercial real estate. The Prudential Commercial Services Network is composed of independently owned and operated companies throughout North America that specialize in commercial and investment real estate services. Each company has trained commercial real estate professionals on staff. Through Prudential Referral Services Commercial Referral Division, Prudential Commercial Services Network members provide services worldwide.
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Last modified: July 31, 1997