How to Sell Your Home
To sell your home, you'll need more than ads and signs. You'll need every advantage possible. You need a proven strategy for attracting the best buyer to your home. And your Prudential Vista Real Estate sales associate can offer you just that with our exclusive Marketing System. This systematic approach to selling your home is designed to help you obtain:
- The best possible price for your home
- The most favorable terms
- In the shortest period of time
- With the least inconvenience to you
Making it easier on yourself
The power of a good decision: Of all the decisions you'll face when selling your property, there is none more important than the person you choose to represent you. Your Prudential Vista Real Estate sales associate can help you sell your home more quickly and easily by:
- Implementing our proven Marketing System.
- Accessing an established local network and the Prudential National Network.
- Helping you set the right price on your home to attract the right buyers.
- Gathering the data that will present your house and neighborhood in the best light.
- Targeting the market where the most likely buyers will be.
- Handling calls from people who may be more curious than serious about buying.
- Showing your home to the best prospects.
- Representing you during the offer process.
- Doing the necessary legwork and paperwork.
- Guiding you through settlement.
Listing with a broker
A listing agreement is a contracts in which you hire a real estate firm to find a ready, willing and able buyer for your home in exchange for a set fee. With an exclusive right-to-sell agreement, the seller pays a fee regardless of who produces the buyer. This fee covers many important services that the sales associate performs above and beyond finding a qualified buyer.
Note: Your home could also be included in a Multiple Listing Service (MLS Alaska) as part of an exclusive real estate listing. MLS gives your home greater exposure in the marketplace.
Starting with you
You are an integral part of our Marketing System. We depend on your knowledge of your home and neighborhood in combination with ours to help us attract the right buyers to your door.
We start by carefully reviewing the features of your home with you. Then we discuss the special characteristics of that make your home distinctive. These unique features and characteristics will be compiled to share with prospective buyers as well as real estate professionals who may have potential buyers for your home. You see, we realize it doesn't matter to you who brings you the right buyer - what matters is that the right buyers get there. And that's why our Marketing System is so important: With it, local real estate professionals as well as our Prudential professional associates across the United States can be made aware of the availability of your beautiful home.
Preparing your home for show
Prudential Vista Real Estate Service will employ years of marketing expertise to help you prepare your home for show. As we discuss the various features and characteristics of your home, we can help you look at it from a prospective buyers' viewpoints. You'll appreciate our professional tips on how to make your home more appealing. We can help you determine cost-effective ways to increase interior and exterior buyer-appeal. Then, as we introduce prospective buyers to your home, we can spotlight its special features.
Establishing a listing price
Our Marketing Analysis will help us establish a realistic price range for your home. But YOU determine the actual listing price! With the Marketing System, we'll set the market price range for your home - and show you how your goals determine the actual listing price.
If you want to sell quickly, your home could probably be listed on the lower end of the price range determined by the Market Analysis. On the other hand, you may be in no hurry and more interested in maximum equity from the sale of your home. In that case, the higher end of the price range may be a strategy more to your satisfaction. But we must always remember that ultimately it is the buyer who will determine the price.
With our Market Analysis, we will position and price your home properly. We'll use our extensive knowledge of the local real estate market to establish a comparative value for your home, taking into consideration the sales prices of other homes that have recently sold in your neighborhood.
Anyone can promise an unrealistically high listing price - but there are pitfalls. Interested buyers could be lost because your home appears to be out of their price range... or other agents might show your home just to add luster to another property that is realistically priced but more expensive. Worst of all, you could face the possibility of a price decrease later on - after you've lost the initial impact of being "the new house on the market." And, of course, you know the pitfalls of under-pricing your home!
By establishing a realistic - yet ambitious - listing price for your home, we can help increase the percentage of prospective buyers who will look at your property. And what's more, we can help assure that your property is viewed by those individuals who have a valid interest in your home.
Getting buyers to your door
The Prudential Vista "FOR SALE" sign in your yard is one of the first visual signals that your home is on the market. But it's only the very beginning of our strategy to give your home the exposure it needs. Our entire sales force will be made aware of your home's availability and its special features and characteristics. An open house may be held to introduce our sales force to your home. And what's more, well introduce your home to professional associates throughout our local real estate community. Prospective buyers may be found by many other firms - so we'll mobilize the entire real estate sales force to find just the right buyer for your home.Buyer open house monthly newsletter inserts, plus highlight cards mailed directly to our buyers who are interested in homes like yours, special features flyers to help viewers spot and remember your home's unique characteristics, and a carefully planned local neighborhood awareness campaign are some of the options your sales associate will select from in designing a strategy to market your home. You see, successfully marketing a home calls for property exposure on both local and national levels. Local activities will work in conjunction with our strong national awareness campaign to help assure that a market is created for your home.
Closing to your advantage
Just as the sale sign is only the beginning of our strategy to market your home, so is finding the right buyer only the beginning of our efforts to help you achieve your home-sale goals. Your Prudential Vista sales associate will shop for financing options with the most favorable terms for your. We'll prequalify buyers before they make their offers to help you avoid the risk of having the deal fall through later on. And when the right buyer is ready to make an offer, your sales associate will personally present that offer with a purchase agreement. We can answer your questions, and help you understand your options.You'll maintain a strong sense of control throughout the process.
Once the purchase agreement is signed by you and your buyer, we'll handle all the details necessary to close the sale. From beginning to end, your sales associate will be there to protect your interest... to make sure that terms are the most favorable... to help steer you through the red tape that precedes closing.
Your goals are our goals
When you made the important decision to sell your home and move on, you knew it might take time and effort to achieve your financial and personal home-sale goals. We will work with you to achieve those goals as quickly and conveniently as possible. And what's more, we can help you find the home you'd like to move into next. There are literally thousands of real estate firms in the United States. But only one real estate network can offer the Marketing System, a nationally proven system for selling your home quickly, at the best possible price, and with the least inconvenience to you.
The Prudential VRM Wheel
It's the key to a revolutionary way to market houses - Value Range Marketing (VRM). Wherever this program has been introduced, houses have been selling at least twice as fast as the market average. And many have sold for more than the owner expected. Value Range Marketing attracts more buyers. If you're serious about selling your house, use the exclusive VRM wheel to select a value range in which you will "entertain" offers on your home, dramatically impacting and thereby attracting more qualified buyers. To find out more, investigate Prudential's VRM site.
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