If you have any information relating to this incident, or know a person who does, please forward it to Zeb's attorney.  No detail, or event, however minor it might first appear, should be overlooked.  The public's
cooperation is critical to obtaining justice in this case. When all the facts and circumstances are made public in court, it will be obvious to everyone that Zeb acted in self-defense.

What would you do if attacked in your home by intruders?  How far would you let the attack progress before acting in your self-defense?
And if, by the grace of God, you succeeded in defending yourself, would you then expect to be arrested and not released without there first being a thorough investigation?  Self defense is not a crime. 
Your support for Zeb means that you support the right to self defense, and the right to be free from the fear of harm in your home.

Zeb Nudson | Zeb Nudson Story | Zeb Nudson Story (Cont.) | "The Victims" | Current Events / General Info.