Later that year, Zebs love for Alaska called him back to the Kenai Peninsula.  Upon his return, he began searching for a truck driving job.  He took two part time jobs, one with the Peninsula


Clarion, and one with Pacific Alaska Forwarding to make ends meet.  In February 2000, he was promoted to a full time driving position with PAF.  He purchased a home in Nikiski, and at age 22 was well on the road to a promising future.


In early March, Zebs determination to be an independent, successful, and productive member of society was cut short by an unfortunate series of events.  You may have read in the newspaper a report of what happened .


While the press tries to be accurate, it sometimes does not have the entire story.  This is why letters to the editor are a very important in telling the public other views.  Any letters sent should include one's name and phone number so the editor can verify who wrote the letter.

Every story has two sides and this one is no exception.  You have learned something about Zeb, and now it's time to meet some of the
other people involved in this story.

Preston Lee, a friend and contemporary of many young people in the Nikiski area, including Zeb,  passed away in March of this year.  The funeral was well attended, and included friends who traveled to it from schools and jobs in the lower 48 states.  After the funeral, Zeb volunteered the use of his house for a "wake".  The gathering began in a reverent upbeat mood around a bonfire, with people sharing stories and showing pictures of Preston.  But then the mood changed.  A young man arrived, uninvited, and began making disparaging comments about Preston.  The guests naturally became defensive, and asked the intruder to leave.  He left, but threatened to return, and did return later that night with another, older individual, also uninvited.  These men had come to a wake for an individual they did not even know.  Now they were both asked to leave, and did leave, but not before starting a fight and beating one of the guests.  They threatened to return.

The next day, Zeb awoke to the sound of breaking glass. His first thought was of the individuals from the night before who had threatened to return.  Fearing for his safety, and his life, he took a gun with him on the way to his front door. He found his front storm door windows broken, as well as small window of his inner door. And he found himself confronted by four intruders, two of whom he recognized from the night before.   Believing the intruders to be armed, Zeb fired his gun through the small broken door window. 

In due time, the police arrived.  They appear to have made their decision to arrest Zeb on the statements of the intruders.  Ignoring both the facts and circumstances of the shooting, the police discounted the obvious justification of self-defense. Those who know the facts believe that rather than arresting Zeb, who after all was defending himself and his home, the police should have arrested the intruders.  After his arrest, Zeb learned that the intruders had been hit by gunfire, and that one had died of his injuries.   

The case went to a grand jury 5 days later. Once again, the evidence presented was largely from statements of the intruders.  On this evidence, Zeb is now considered an alleged "murderer" by the state.  To prove his innocence, Zeb now has to conduct his own investigation, and prepare for trial. 

This web site was started to help Zeb wage a lengthy and costly court battle.  Because Zeb was just beginning his adult life, he lacks the resources to carry out this battle by himself.  Local fundraisers have been held by family and friends, but additional sources of revenue are now needed.  If you have ideas, or suggestions,
please contact us

If you would like to make a donation in support of self defense, and protection of the home, you can give to
Zeb's legal defense fund. This fund is set up as a trust account at the First National Bank of Anchorage, and we are getting certification as a tax exempt fund. The money is being used for expenses directly related to Zeb's defense.


Zeb Nudson | Zeb Nudson Story | Zeb Nudson Story (Cont.) | "The Victims" | Current Events / General Info.