Zebulon Eugene Nudson, "Zeb", is well known in the local area as a good son, brother, and friend to many.  Since childhood, he has been a hard working, dedicated, and respected member of society.  He grew into the average boy next door, that any parents could be proud of.

Born in North Kenai, on September 27th, 1977, Zeb enjoyed the typical Alaskan childhood.  He grew up in a loving two-parent family with one brother, and one sister  in Nikiski, Alaska.


Beginning at age 5, Zeb started playing hockey for the Kenai Peninsula Hockey Association (KPHA). This love of skating, and for the game of hockey, continues today. Between the ages of five and eleven years old, he attended Nikiski Elementary School, and learned to play the alto saxophone in 5th grade.


During the summer's he mowed lawns, played t-ball, golf, and little league.  With the family he went camping, fishing, clam digging, and flying.  He also acted as a
tour guide for visiting friends and relatives.  No child's life would be complete without summer camp.  Here Zeb learned canoeing skills, horseback riding, and shooting in a religious environment.  In recent winters, Zeb began skiing, and snowboarding.  With his friends, he made frequent trips to the slopes.

As Zeb got older, he took on more responsibilities.  He entered the newly built Nikiski Middle/Senior High School, which offered him additional opportunities to continue his education, and participate in the activities he enjoyed so much.  He became a member of the Nikiski Concert, and Jazz Bands.

In 1991 Zeb entered high school where he played on the Nikiski Bulldog Hockey,


and Football teams.  He also learned the bass guitar, and played in the school's two instrumental bands.  The Jazz band practiced mornings before school began.  He often got up at 5 am to attend these practice sessions.

During the summer of 1992, and 1993, Zeb was employed at set net fishing sites in Nikiski.  The summer of 1994 Zeb began working for Taco Bell.

His remaining three years of high school included continued participation on the Bulldog's Hockey Team.  Zeb was the team captain and high scorer during the 1994-95 season.  In his spare time, Zeb completely restored his 1973 Volkswagen bug.  Later he restored a 1966 Mustang.  With a full schedule of activities, hobbies, and interests, Zeb was still able to maintain an overall 3.1 grade point average.  He graduated from Nikiski Middle/High School on May 22, 1995.


Upon graduation, Zeb enlisted in the U.S. Army and continued to work full time at Taco Bell, where he had been promoted to the position of shift manager.  In November of 1995, Zeb entered boot camp in Fort Benning, Georgia.  After completion of his basic training, Zeb continued his enlistment in the 1-17 Buffalo Soldiers Infantry at Fort Wainwright,  Alaska. He then transferred to Fort Richardson, Alaska and was an Airborne Infantryman in the Blackfoot Company, First Battalion, and 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment.  His three-year enlistment allowed Zeb to complete 15 parachute jumps with the Blackfoot Company, after which he earned an honorable military discharge in November of 1998.


Zeb then moved to Gresham, Oregon where he attended the International Institute of Transportation Resource, Inc.  He graduated with a commercial truck driving license and certification on April 2nd, 1999.

He went to work for Werner Enterprises on April 9th, 1999 and drove a tractor-trailer around the entire United States.  Zeb once again showed his dedication and willingness to work hard, by shattering the Werner Rookie Driving Record during his first month of employment.




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