HI! I hope you'll stay awhile and read about me, my family, and a few thoughts I have about this and that. So go get a cold drink, settle back in your chair, and have a howling good time. I know I will

Click on any box below to view my thoughts and see some of the things that are important to me.



Here are a few of my most favorite places. Em just loves all the ideas I've gotten from 1001 ways.

For you guys that are a little slow....Its a hint, dummy! And no, I dont mean try them out on Em.

ICS A nice place to meet new friends. We visit in rooms 30+ or 40+ (We haven't decided just how old we are yet.) Come on in and visit. You do have to register in here. It helps to keep the weirdos out or at least, in check. And it's free to boot! So what are you waiting for?
Poolside A fun place to visit and meet new friends. Em and I hang out in the Pool sometimes. Lots of fun and interesting folks there.
Now if you don't find us at any of the places above, It means that we are busy, enjoying each other's company. Don't take it personel.

1001 ways to be romantic OK guys, this is the place to get some ideas on romance. Do ya say your relationship is stuck in a rut? Not what it used to be? Go here without delay! It will put a smile one her face. And if she's smiling...... Well, do I have to paint you a picture?

The Cyrano Server Do you say you can't write your sweetie that love letter that will knock her off her feet? Give Cyrano a chance. This place makes it easy. All you have to do is come up with a few words and let him do you up a letter that will have her melting at the thought of you.

My Job

Click here to visit my place of employment. I work in the Heat and Vent department

Trying to do so very much, with so very little. Keeping the kids warm and healthy as best we can with the little we get.


Please look at these pictures and remember him or her. Lets do whatever we can do to bring them home again.

Thank you!

I hope you enjoyed yourself and had a few laughs. Come back soon as this page will always be "under construction" As happens to all of us, my opinions may change - as soon as pigs fly. ...But I will always be the foremost expert on "my opinion"

If you have comments, suggestions,complaints, or just want to say HEY! email me at

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