Seems like there is a lot of strange things going on, on this planet we call earth. lets take a look at a few of the strangest.
That is.....If your not to chicken!
Have you ever heard strange noises that you had no idea where they came from? Those thuds and bumps in the night? Caught a movement in the corner of your eye, and when you look at it, it's gone? If you said yes..... Your not alone!
I can remember once as a 14-year-old, I was standing in our living room watching TV. All of a sudden I caught a movement running out the front door of the house. I took off after it and when I got outside, there was nothing there.
Then there was Joe. In the very first home Em and I lived in together, we had a live in guest. We never saw him. But he always let us know he was there. A little noise, A quick chill for no reason, and even things missing for a short while. Couldn't find the keys? Tell Joe you want them back, and all of a sudden, there they were! Right on top of the coffee table. The ONLY thing on the table. And you knew you already looked there. When we bought our first house he didn't move with us. We kind of missed him for a while.
But I think the most convincing thing that ever happened to me, that there are strange things going on in this big world of ours, happened about two years ago while I was working the night shift. My helper and I had just entered a school to make repairs to a boiler. Found the problem very quick and made the repair's needed. The unit was running in top form.
Since it was lunch time, we went to the teachers lounge to have our lunch break. I sat at the table with my back to the door and my helper sat across from me facing the door. He usually skipped lunch because he was new to the midnight shift and his stomach wasn't used to eating at 2 am in the morning.
As I sat eating he got up and left the room. I heard a door shut behind me and assumed that he had went into the faculty restroom. I heard a toilet flush, faucet turn on, and paper towels being pulled from the dispenser.
Shortly after that, an extremely strong smell of perfume entered the lounge. I hadn't heard the restroom door open so I knew he was still in there. The odor got stronger, and I started to get really mad. He was using some teachers supplies that were left in the restroom which is a big no-no! I had already informed him that was never to be done and he could be terminated from his position for doing it.
I got up and went to pound on the door to tell him to get his ass out of there. But as I walked out of the lounge I saw that both restroom doors were open, and the lights were out. I went out into the main hallway. All of a sudden, from far down the hall, the schools library door opened and he walked out holding a book.
I asked him if he used the restroom after he got up from the table and he said no. Then he ask me what the hell did I pour over myself and that I smelled like a french whore. We walked down the hallway and the smell was everywhere we went. Even in the boiler room which was on the other side of the school!! I asked him if he felt we were being watched. He told me yes and that the hairs on the back of his neck were bristling. Needless to say, we got the hell out of there!
About half way to the next school, a call came over the radio advising us that we had another boiler alarm at the school we had just left. Funny thing was the odor had somehow been so strong that we were both still smelling it in the van.
We got back to the school, entered, and shut down the alarm. We could still smell the perfume all the way across the school to the boiler room. As we entered the room, The odor got very strong. And both boilers were running just fine!
Well, I'm not going to say we ran out of the school, but we were sure doing some mighty fast walking. I reset the security alarm as my helper was scooting out the door.
I needed to contact dispatch to see if they had a reset on the boiler alarm, but I was going to do it from the van's radio. I wasn't going to use the phone and stay at that school any longer than I had to!
Upon calling dispatch, We were informed that now both boilers were under alarm. We told them to wait a few minutes and see what happened. About 3 minutes later, without us entering the school, the boiler's reset themselves. Something that never happens.
The next day, the entire alarm system was checked and no flaws were found.
The strange thing was, we have a printer that prints out every alarm we get. It showed the first one that we repaired, but none of the others that came after. But the dispatcher swore that he had boiler alarms after the first one on his computer screen at the time.
I have been back to that school several times since with no odors. Was she just a little lonely that night? Or was there just a system problem that fixed itself? I don't think it was a system problem. I was there and could smell her perfume.
She had/has good taste in perfume . Just wear's a little to much!
If you are brave enough to read about more ghost stories, check out these links. You might want to read them during the day.
Links to other ghost stories are coming soon
Links listed before are no longer there!
So you say that you have a good ghost story?
Tell me about it. I would just love to hear about it. If its really cool, I might even post it here! Not to worry, if I do add it to this page, your identity wont be revealed.
Mail me here
Do we have beings from another planet visiting us? I don't know. But seems to be a lot of people that think we do, and the Governments of our world are covering them up.
I have always felt that we are not alone in the universe. I mean, how can anyone look up in the night sky and believe that? Try to count all the stars.
Hello! Everyone of those stars are suns. And we can only see a very few just with our eyes alone.
We have 9 planets orbiting our sun. Now lets assume for a minute that every star we see only has 5 planets in orbit. And lets say there are 1 million stars. I know...there's a lot more then that. We're assuming here! That would be 5 million planets right there!
So lets go way out there and say that out of every 10,000 planets, one contains life. Even though out of the 9 planets in our solar system, only one (or so best as we know) has life.
That would add up to 500 planets with life.
Kind a makes you think, don't it?
I don't know if UFO's are here visiting us. But if they are, I hope they don't want to eat us.
I have spent some time looking into the night sky and so far never have I seen anything other than an airplane or balloon. But I'm not going to say UFO's are not here.
Check out some of these links on UFO's...
Signs of Abduction. Think you might have
been abducted by aliens? Check how many of these signs you have. Who knows?
You might have been!!!
Other links on the way!
Links I had here before are no longer. SORRY
El Chupacabras
Ever hear of this one? The name of this creature is Spanish. In English it translates to The Goat Sucker. Neat name eh?
Seems a few years ago (2 or 3) something started to kill goats, chickens, and other livestock in Puerto Rico. But the strange thing about these dead animals was they didn't have any blood left. They appeared to have only two puncture wounds in the neck area.
Now of course these things only happened to attack way out in the sticks like most of our UFO sightings here in the US. You know, those guys with names like Billy Bob, and Jim Bob who went into a saucer and flew around the moon then came back to let us all know about how wonderful the Alien beer was.
Anyway, these Chupacabra's were soon seen hiding behind bushes and trees. They were described as Monkey looking, 3 to 4 foot high, stood upright, were not humanoid, had large oval "alien type" eyes, and had what appeared to be a line of spikes going down the back. And it moved very fast.
It sounds a lot like Sonic the Hedgehog to me but nobody has described his pal Tails yet. So it must not be him. Because Sonic is never without his sidekick. There have been a few sightings of Dr. Robotnick flying around in an egg. I will keep you posted.
Well, it didn't take long before a policeman or two started to see these strange Chupacabras. (hmmmmm, now why does that sound familiar? Do any of them Puerto Rician policemen have the middle name of Roberto?) So now we all must believe the stories are true.
It wasn't long before Chupacabra sprouted wings and started a migration up north. Mexico, all of a sudden, started to get reports of dead animals with no blood.
Now we are hearing stories of Chupacabra attacks here in the US. Miami, California, and Texas have reported sightings of this creature.
Want more information? Just follow these links.....
Chupacabra Home Page.. Can you believe
it? This thing even has it's own home page!!
Johnson's Chupacabra Page... You say you
want a Tee-shirt? And want to hear the Chupacabra song? These and other
things available here. Say it aint so SPA!!!
Page of Mystery... Ho hum. another page with pictures and links.
Nothing new in here, just like to have at least three links per subject.
Its tough to have set myself to such high standards.
My very special thanks to Sweet Pea, who's hard work resulted in the title graphic of this page.
She didn't tell me to do this....but....
This page title graphic isCopyright © Windsor Graphics 1997
Now... as soon as the fish stop biting....I'll add to this page.
Some things are a little more important!