
What does one say about friends?

I've met a few on the net. and here's what I have to say about them.


I met Des in the old Talker. She turned into a very fun E-Pal. Always sending me sound files that for some reason I could never get to run. Now I just know they were funny cause them Aussie's talk funny to begin with. She was attending her last year of college. Haven't heard from her since her Graduation. Funny how you can miss a few words from a friend when you don't get them anymore. I just hope that someday she gets a good enough job to get back on the net. She sent me a real sweet mail on her last day of classes. Thanked me for not trying to get into her cyber pants. Seemed I was the only guy she ever met on the net that didn't even try. I guess I'm getting old, cause I never really thought about it. I wish her the very best in her adventures in this big world.


Des has contacted me. It was so nice to hear that she didn't fall off the end of the world. I always wondered how them "down under" folks could hang on and not fall off. They must be very hardy folks. Anyway, she is employed and looking for that job that will enable her to retire at 35. The same dream we all have. GOOD LUCK DES!


Judyful is quite a character. A real go-getter that never allows anyone or anything to get in her way. We met in Broadcast a while back. Begged and pleaded with me wanting to know how to do the Big and different colored text in the post. We went off to a private room for her lessons. Had some jerk come in bothering us while we were working. So I banished him. He got very angry and sent us both threatening private messages. I was just shaking in my chair. NOT! Then I gave her an address to a page explaining how to do HTML. She went off to do her home page. The student passed the teacher by getting her's up before I did. But I guess that's the way its supposed to be. Now she's scanning pics and helping others do their pages. Will she ever stop? Nope! Not my little "grasshopper"

Want Pleasent Times?


Now here's one you got to watch. Got more handles then I can keep up with. But she is a hoot to watch sometimes. A few words to the offending punk, and he's off with his tail between his legs. She loves her family including her pet wolfs. And any day now she'll be having another mouth to feed besides the two little ones she already has. She is temporally off the net for now but she has an E-Mail address. Just mail me if you would like it. I know she's cool because she likes to go fishing. So what more can I say?

A Howling Good Time


Sioux P has had that baby! A little girl named Brenda Lea. Mother and Brenda are doing just womderful. Good luck you two!


Albie just loves jokes. She even has jokes for a home page! Quite a character, she is. After Broadcast closed down, she went off to another chat room and changed her name to KO~JACK. Never told me the reason why. Of course, I never asked. If you visit chat rooms you know some folks just do that. She is currently happily unmarried. But she's a blonde. Okay, there, I said it... The "B" word. And she's from "down under" also. So she's a tough blonde.

Come Smile With Albie


Zantac (Zanny)is the very first (and so far the only) guy I've ever gave a cyber hug to. We share a common bond in that we are both Air Force Veterans. He lives in Bosten so that means he's another one of them folks that talk funny. And he just loves to get away from the city whenever he can. To be honest, I don't blame him. I've been there. I read every one of his post, because I never know when he's gonna do a funny. He doesn't have a home page yet, but when he does, it'll be a doozie! Bye the way.... never mention the word "banish" in his company. You'll take your life in your own hands if you do. Aint that right, Sweet Pea?


Tazzy is FUN! If you've ever seen her on a roll, you'd know exactly what I was talking about. She's one that don't pull any punches. But she's a lover, not a fighter, so don't take me wrong. Yet, she has that ability to "kick ass" when the need arises. A very dear friend to both Em and I. She has always been there for us when we needed her. And we will always be here for her also. If ya ever see her, send her a hug from us.

I Dare You To See The Devil!


Now here's a pair! They love each other almost as much as Emerald and I do. Just kidding you guys *lol* I met Sweet Pea first some time ago. Then Pseudo came along. He couldn't understand why Sweet Pea spent time talking to complete strangers on the net. Now I never see her anymore! You know? That's the same thing that Emerald said to me when I started chatting. Now I don't know why, but at first Pseudo started referring to me as SAP*MAN. Now I really didn't know why because I was always very nice to him and Sweet Pea. It didn't bother me all that much, but it sure bothered Em. Pseudo discovered just how much it bothered her one night when he asked her how SAP*MAN was doing. Needless to say, he always has it right now! Pseudo was very helpful to Emerald in getting her home page started. I just did mine with Netscape Gold. But some of what he instructed to her was very helpful to me. And for that, I give to him many thanks. Plus, I never would had known how to spell psudonym if not for him. (now just what was that? same backwords as forewords? Sideways and upside down? From the middle out? Who cares? But I can sure spell it!) Sweet Pea even did the title graphic to my strange page. Now isn't she a sweetie? Since helping Em, Pseudo has gone off to help Judyful, Sioux Princes, Shell R, and others to do their home pages. Nice guy EH? I am really looking foreword to their visiting us the summer of 99. I just know that us guys will be catching lots of big fish. And Em and Sweet Pea can chat face to face over coffee while we're doing that. Watch out big fish in 1999... Pseudo and Spa*Man (and our boys) have our eyes on you, and our hooks will be very sharp!!!!

Care To See Their Castle?


Shell is another one of those very nice people. I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting her in person, but Em had dinner with her while she was at a conference in Shell's hometown of Seattle. Shell just loves to get on the computer and talk to folks from all over the world. Then she loves to put on her walking shoes and walk all over Seattle. Sometimes for the exercise, and other times for charities. Shell has a very big heart, and spreads that happiness where ever she goes.

Want To Walk With Shell?


In the last couple months of Broadcast's existence a bubbly personality came in to the 30+ room. Since she was new to the net, she was enthralled in all the wonderful things that you could do with HTML. Asking me how I did those big and colorful letters, she took a big chance on giving me her E-mail address so I could send her the instructions. You can never be to careful these days. And by that time I had been asked by so many people how I did that I had just created a document that I could send them. It was so much easier for me to do it that way. I also gave her Em and my home page address. Well, she was so inspired, she started to work on her own pages. A few months after she had it done, she finally let me know about it. I thank her very much for all the credit she gave Em and I on her page even though all we did was create the "spark".


If you don't see your name here... not to worry. It will be.