The Purple Cow
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The Purple Cow's

Udderly Delicious


Light & Flaky Pie crust
Light & Fluffy Frosting
Mama Bear's Alaskan Sheet Cake
Whacky Cake

I think the secret to a light and flaky pie crust is minimal handling, VERY cold water,and the teaspoon of vinegar.

Light and Flaky Pie Crust

2 1/2 Cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 Cup shortening
1/4 Cup butter
1/3 Cup water
1 tsp vinegar

Mix flour, salt, shortening, and butter until mixture resembles crumbs. Gradually stir in water and vinegar with pastry blender. Continue with pie recipe as directed. This makes enough for a double crust pie


This frosting is light, fluffy and not too sweet. For a pure white frosting, substitute 1 cup shortening for the 1/2 cup butter and 1/2 cup shortening. To completely dissolve the sugar, beating for the full 10 minutes is important.

Light & Fluffy Frosting

1 Cup milk
5 Tble flour
1/2 Cup butter
1/2 Cup shortening
1 Cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Combine milk and flour in saucepan; cook until thick. Cover and refrigerate. In a mixing bowl, beat butter, shortening, sugar, and vanilla until creamy. Add chilled milk/flour mixture. Beat 10 minutes. Frost cooled cake


Thank you, Tami, for making an old (dare I say it?) Texas favorite more appropriately Alaskan.

Mama Bear's Alaskan Sheet Cake

2 sticks (1 cup margerine)
3 1/2 tablespoons cocoa
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour.
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 cup nuts

Bring to boil margerine and cocoa. Remove from heat; add sugar and flour. Add eggs, vanilla, baking soda disolved in buttermilk, and nuts. spread in large jelly roll pan. Bake 20 minutes @ 350

Frost immediately upon removing from oven
1/3 cup milk
1 stick (1/2 cup) margerine
3 1/2 tsp cocoa
1 lb powdered sugar
1tsp vanilla
1 cup nuts

Bring milk, margerine and cocoa to boil. Remove from heat and add powdered sugar, vanilla and nuts.
Cool and eat


A college friend's granmother (Grandmother Berry Strait) first introduced me to Whacky Cake.

Whacky Cake

2 1/2 C flour
1 C sugar
1 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
3 T cocoa
5 T oil
1 T vinegar
1tsp vanilla
1 C water

Sift into pan: flour, sugar. soda, salt, and cocoa. Make three dents in this mixture. Put oil in one dent, vinegar in another, and vanilla in the last. Pour water over all and mix. Bake in 350 degree oven for half hour.

Grandmother used this frosting on her whacky cake:

1 1/2 C powdered sugar
2 or 3 T cocoa
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 C soft butter
pinch or salt
milk (enough to make creamy)
peanut butter (enough to flavor)

Mix sugar, cocoa, vanilla, butter and salt. Add enough milk to make creamy. Add peanut butter.


The Purple cow
was here too
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