Our Tour '99!
Our Tour '99 was last updated on October 23.

There's tons of information here for you - Use these links to navigate around Our Tour '99!
  • Learn about all we offer with the Electronic Communications User Guide & 'Cheat Sheet'
  • Questions? Comments? Good-luck wishes? E-mail the Alaska Children's Choir
    Welcome to Our Tour '99! This is the area of our website where you can get information on our July 1999 concert tour to Australia and New Zealand!
    Also, you can access live updates, complete with pictures of our daily activities, written by groups of choir kids, from Tour.
    An Introduction to Our Tour:
    This will be the third year we have provided for live updates and email communication from tour. In the past, our efforts were met with praise, and were greatly successful. We believe we were the first children's choir to pioneer this type of communication. This opportunity has also proved very popular with parents, friends, and the general public. One of the main features of our Tour site is our daily updates of the our endeavours, and visitors enjoy the ability to see pictures (taken with a digital camera) along with those daily updates. Parents and friends also like the ability to keep in touch daily without expensive phone calls.
    SO, we not only once again plan to provide electronic communications on Tour '99, but we're going to make this year better than ever! We'll be adding real-time communication capability via Mirabilis' ICQ program, and there will be more and improved content overall! Use the buttons at the top to find your way around, and enjoy yourself!
    Tour Communication Statistics
    Here's the official record of online communications on past tours...
    Incoming Emails
    Outgoing Emails
    Length (Days)
    Germany/Austria (1997)
    British Columbia (1998)
    Australia/New Zealand (projected)

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    What happened on last year's Tour? Check out Our Tour '98!

    people have checked into Our Tour 1999 since January 26, 1999