Our Tour 1998

Our Tour '98 was last updated on July 7.

There's tons of information here for you - Use these links to navigate around Our Tour '98!

  • See the Daily Updates that we posted duirng Tour!
  • See pictures and a play-by-play report from our Pre-Tour Picnic
  • See where we went with the Tour 1998 Itinerary
  • Talk Amongst Yourselves! Visit our new Discussion Forum, SingOut! (See Above)
  • Questions? Comments? Good-luck wishes? E-mail the Alaska Children's Choir
    Welcome to Our Tour '98! This is the area of our website where you can get information on our June-July 1998 concert tour to British Columbia, Canada.
    While we're away, you'll be able to access this area to view live updates, complete with pictures of our daily activities, written by groups of choir kids, from wherever we are.
    An Introduction to Our Tour:
    Last summer, we provided for e-mail communications and live site updates from our 1997 tour to Austria & Germany. We were one of the first children's choirs to pioneer this type of communication. This opportunity also proved very popular with parents, friends, and the general public. While on tour (2 weeks), we received over 1070 hits to our Tour 1997 site area. Parents, friends, and the public alike enjoyed being able to read daily updates of the kids' endeavours, and they raved over the ability to see pictures (taken with a digital camera) along with those daily updates. We processed over 160 incoming and 90+ outgoing e-mail messages. One of our singers received nearly 20 e-mail messages from parents, relatives, and friends! They also liked the ability to keep in touch daily without expensive phone calls.
    SO, we not only once again provided electronic communications on Tour '98, but we made them better! In Our Tour '98 you will find the daily updates and pictures from Tour, as well as other various tidbits. Use the links at the top to find your way around, and enjoy yourself!

    Our Tour '98! Home | Website Front Page

    What happened on last year's Tour? Check out Our Tour '97!

    people have checked into Our Tour 1998 since May 27, 1998