The Alaska Children's Choir's 1997 Touring Choir

This Is Our Tour...

Well, folks, here you have it...The entire collection of daily diary entries, composed by choir children, for your personal enjoyment and viewing pleasure - so sit back, relax, and enjoy this personal day-by-day account of the Alaska Children's Choir's 1997 Tour to Germany and Austria!

Monday, July 7, 1997 - Day 14 of 14

Today was the end of our wonderful two-week tour. After a 3-hour bus ride, there was much sadness at the airport because we had to leave Paul, Max, and wonderful Europe. After 2 hours in line, and 3/4 of a roll of duct tape, we were on the plane! 1.5 hrs to Amsterdam, where we left Marg and Jack for their long-awaited time alone together, and we had a couple hours for lunch. Then onto another plane, after the customs check, for the 9-hour ride to Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA! Here, we left our beloved (and newly-wed) chaperones Trish and Loren, because they live here! Onto yet another plane, and we were homeward bound on the final leg of our journey. Six hours later, we were happily greeted by our loving families. Down to bag claim, where we finally discovered who's luggage got lost, and we were free to go! A good end to a wonderful tour!

Sunday, July 6, 1997 - Day 13 of 14

An interesting day. We got up this morning, and left our suitcases outside our door for transport to the lobby by hotel staff. What a treat! Off to breakfast, then board the bus to Eisenach. After arriving there, we sang a resonant church service in the lofty choir loft of a sizeable church. After the service, we got back on the bus and were whisked to our hotel. We checked in, and then had an hour or so before we had to be back downstairs to depart for our walking tour of the town. The highlight of the tour was the Bach museum, where we got to hear a man play keyboard instruments actually used by J.S. Bach! Back to the hotel, and we got to change into our own clothes for the night's farewell dinner. On the bus again, Paul took us up to Haus Hainstein for the wonderful dinner after a photo shoot in the woods. After the dinner, there wasn't a dry eye in the choir. Our wonderful accompanist, Marcia, helped keep the cheer level up by playing the trash bin in the absence of our choir congas for our "Kenya Melodies" set. Back to the hotel late late for an early early departure for the airport next morning.

Saturday, July 5, 1997 - Day 12 of 14

What a day! We rose early this morning to catch breakfast. We walked across town to the Dom again, where we sang Vespers (a short mass) in the cathedral. Then we were on the bus, and away to the Kinderfest (children's party) at the Garden Show site in Erfurt. After dropping our stuff at Hall 3, our staging area, we had 2 hours, 30 minutes to explore the area. The "Garden Show site" is an arena for TV broadcast. We sang two concerts on a small stage here later in the day. After the last concert, we were on the bus back to the hotel again, where we ate dinner. Then we changed into our dress uniforms for the evening's concert. Across town at the Domplatz again, we sang an interesting concert and then it was time for the show! We got to see an awesome light, sound, and laser show put on in the Domplatz. It was fantastic. (Unfortunately, because we had to leave the next day, We didn't get to see the second half the following night.) We all walked back to the hotel with our mouths stuck in positions of "ooh" and "aah"...!

Friday, July 4, 1997 - Day 11 of 14

Not much happened today. We got up this morning, and, after breakfast, were off on a guided walking tour of Erfurt with the host choir from last night's dinner. Then it was back to the hotel (after ice cream) for our afternoon briefing. Then off to lunch with our hosts again. Back to the hotel to put on dress uniform, then off across town again for the featured International Choral Concert in the Domplatz (Cathedral Square) as part of the International Glockentage. It was an interesting night, complete with a man with a mouse at the concert.

Thursday, July 3, 1997 - Day 10 of 14

This morning we boarded our faithful bus and headed out of Rothenburg for Erfurt, Germany. After a couple hours' drive, we got off and ate a tasty lunch in small groups in the town of Wurzburg, Germany. After eating, it was back on the bus for more road time before arriving in Erfurt, where we checked into Hotel Sorat. We (finally) had some time to relax, but not for long! After a quick nap (?), it was across town for the opening ceremony of the International Glockentage (bell festival), a 500th anniversary celebration for the largest free-swinging bell in the world, the Dom bell "Gloriosa." After the ceremony, which involved a lot of sitting and waiting, we were greeted by our host choir, who took us down the road to their school for a bratwurst dinner. After a long day, it was nice to have a good sleep.
Picture from our impromptu concert in Rothenburg's town square...

Wednesday, July 2, 1997 - Day 9 of 14

This morning we woke up and had breakfast, which was good. Following this, a lady, Hieda, came by and gave us the "most awesome" tour so far. One of the stories she told us was about a hero who saved Rothenburg by drinking six pints of wine in ten minutes on request from the Kaiser. After that, he passed out for three days. Three times a day, at 1, 2, and 3 pm, figures come out of windows in the town square clock and re-enact the story. In the afternoon, we had leisure time to go shopping and visit the Kriminalmuseum, a museum full of instruments of torture (stretching racks, execution blocks, etc...). After that, we ate dinner in the hotel. Dessert was surprise cake for our 10-year-old birthday girl. It was a fun day!
Sorry, no picture today! (Nobody took any...!)

Tuesday, July 1, 1997 - Day 8 of 14

We spent what seemed like years on the bus this morning. The ride was actually not as long as we thought. (Only 6 hours or so...) Along the way, we stopped at a gas station for a quick snack. For lunch, we stopped at a cute little town called Dinglesburg, where some of us had lunch with "real Americans." On the bus again, Loren (chaperone) was getting annoyed at the folks in the back of the bus, saying they were too loud. When we got to the hotel, we ate dinner, following comparison of rooms, and much whining about differences in room size. Following that, we had a long concert in the Franciskanerkirche. After the concert, which was challenging due to the time lag because of the space between the organ and our location, we went back to the hotel, and had a long, enjoyable sleep.
Picture of hiking group posing in front of scenic (and steep) cliff...

Monday, June 30, 1997 - Day 7 of 14

Today was a free day. Yahoo! About half of us rode up the tram to the top of the Karwendel mountain. It was beautiful. We hiked for more than an hour with a picnic lunch halfway. The rest of us either went shopping to an awesome thrift store, biking around Achen Lake (Yeah! This was the best!!!) **Can you tell who did that??!!**, or stayed at the hotel and rested. At about 2pm, we met up and went swimming in Achensee (Achen Lake). It was freezing cold (until you went numb - but still warmer than Alaska!) After that, we wandered around Pertisau until dinner, where we had three choices for food: Pork & Sauce with Noodles; Fish and Chips; or a Vegetarian Meal. After dinner, everyone went into a mad dash to press their dress uniforms for tomorrow's concert in Rothenburg, Germany (Yes, we are leaving Austria...Boo-Hoo!...). We enjoy reading e-mail, please send more!
Picture from our impromptu concert on the steps where the "Do-Re-Mi" scene of "Sound of Music" was filmed.

Sunday, June 29, 1997 - Day 6 of 14

This morning we sang for a service in a large church, standing in the balcony choir loft. It was nice and cool. After the service, we left for Pertisau. We stopped for lunch near a lake, in a town having a festival. During our lunch stop, we split up and went in our own ways. Some kids met a yodeler named Rupert, who also plays the accordion. Others simply wandered for lunch. After a short maintenance stop on the highway, we re-boarded the bus, after enjoying a panorama view from a scenic overlook down the road. Along the road, we passed the smallest farmhouse in Austria - it's rented out to honeymooners. We also learned that, in Austria, if your house is viewed from the road, you must either have flowers in view, or else pay a higher tax. Pertisau is a small village, population 460. It's a quaint little town... Our hotel, Hotel Rosenegger, was kinda cute. The beds were so comfortable. They provided a nice place to have a good rest after a long day.
Picture from our impromptu concert in Mozart Square...

Saturday, June 28, 1997 - Day 5 of 14

Shopping this morning was really fun - there were huge pretzels in the market. Small dogs growl at you when you try to pet them, even when they seem nice. Salzburg was very pretty, with many castles on hills. The food here is very good. Many of us are getting colds. The gardens have lots of roses in them. We stopped at the location where part of Sound of Music was filmed. We walked alot, and saw the fortress of Salzburg. Chocolate here is very good, too! The climate is warm, warmer than we're used to... We sang a concert in a large church with good acoustics. Our dinner, however late, was very good - turkey and gravy with ice cream for dessert. A bus ride back to the hotel closed the day, and we went to bed for an early departure the next morning.
Picture from a scenic stop along the highway on the way to Salzburg...

Friday, June 27, 1997 - Day 4 of 14

The day began with a lovely bus trip (4 hrs+). We now know what the back of everyone's head looks like! The bus ride was from Vienna to Salzburg. Our bus driver, Paul, is very entertaining, and makes the long travels more bearable. He's also very efficient at loading our massive amounts of luggage. Our hotel in Salzburg is very lovely - small, but adequate. We're dying for a pool!... We went for a walking tour through Salzburg, and saw many famous locations, including Sound of Music sites and the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Espresso is very good here - so is bratwurst and sauerkraut.

Picture from the concert at the old-folks home.

Thursday, June 26, 1997 - Day 3 of 14

After a whirl-wind tour through the city, involving no souvenir shopping, no caffiene, and no rest time, we were then deposited in the "old folks' home" for a concert, which was enjoyed by all. After that, we descended into the bowels of the earth to view a subterranean lake in a mine. We also sang an acoustically rich "concert" (one song). Returning to Vienna, we chowed down, sang kareoke, and then "whooped it up" in an amusement park. After being flung upside-down in the roller coasters, we then dragged ourselves back to the hotel and into our much-needed beds. We're happy to report that we do have all choirmembers, most of which are still sane, and we are enjoying the sights.

Wednesday, June 25, 1997 and Tuesday, June 24, 1997 - Days 1 & 2 of 14

This morning, we boarded the plane for the first of 3 air legs of our journey. Because of engine trouble, we sat on the plane for about 2 hours extra. 2 hours after scheduled departure, we finally took off. Once in the air, we became concerned about missing our connecting flights. We then were informed by the captain that NorthWest had agreed to hold all our connecting planes for us. Boy, were we relieved! After many hours of flying, we finally touched down in Vienna. Then we had to check through Customs, and find our bus. Then we had to load the luggage. After the drive to the hotel, we finally (!) had a chance to take a shower and change clothes. After relaxing somewhat, we ate dinner (Appetizer - Consomme with small chou pastry patties; Main course - Wienerschnitzel and boiled potatoes; Dessert - Sacher cake), and went to our rooms to sleep. A good end to a long day of travel!

12 Hours 'Till Tour!...

June 23 - Southcentral Alaska - Time at home is running out on members of the Touring Choir, with only 10 Hours until they gather at the airport, and just 12 short hours until the scheduled departure time for their flight. And some of them haven't even packed yet! Many different techniques are used in the choir for avoiding jet lag while traveling, especially with the 10-hour time difference they'll experience this tour. Everything from staying up all night the previous night, to not sleeping on the plane, to...who knows what..have been used with different degrees of success by various choirmembers. Hope you can find time to check in and keep up with us - see the deatails below!

Three Days 'Till Tour!...

June 21, 1997 - Southcentral Alaska - Things are getting down to the wire with only three days left until the big day! With the successful Pre-Tour Concert behind them, the Touring Choir is now at home packing and re-packing suitcases, garment bags, and the like for the big day at the airport - It's only 3 days away! While we're away, you can track our progress, see us in action, and even hear sound bytes from our performances - all right here on our website. See the details below!

Eleven Days 'Till Tour!...

June 13, 1997 - Southcentral Alaska - With three of five rehearsals under their belts, the Touring Choir is getting ready for their summer concert tour. Now in the "passing" phase (no pun intended), they must sing each song for their director. This enables her to know who knows their music, and make sure those who don't get it learned. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's scary. But Yes, it's necessary. Next Wednesday, the "passed" singers will perform in the Touring Choir's Pre-Tour Concert. Hope you can catch us!

Three Weeks 'Till Tour!...

June 2, 1997 - Southcentral Alaska - The Alaska Children's Choir leaves for tour in just 22 short days. Tomorrow, they will begin a series of 3-hour rehearsals to prepare them for a two-week tour. Until they leave, each of the 43 members will be diligently (we hope) studying their music, learning it for performance. The excitement is building!!

What happened on last year's Tour? Check out Tour '96

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