View from the Picnic Site

Our Pre-Tour Picnic (June 6)

Here are the pictures and a play-by-play report from our pre-tour picnic, held at Mirror Lake Park near Peters Creek, Alaska on June 6 (or so we thought...)! Enjoy!

Well, the day was going to start at around 3 o'clock PM, when the picnic-goers arrived. In theory, of course! See the plan was that the picnic was to be held at Mirror Lake Park near Peters Creek, unless the weather was inclement. In case of bad weather, there would be a phone tree to notify members that the location was changed. It seems, however, that in the previous night's high winds, a branch fell off the phone tree. This resulted in the majority of the choirmembers showing up at the inclement weather location, while 5 lost souls came to Mirror Lake, having been on the branch that fell off. So here's the Mirror Lake Report from the 'elite' picnic crowd:

After many hours were spent counting arrivals, here's who showed up:

Joshua, Elizabeth, Barrianne, Mollie, & Laura

After we finally figured out who was who, we wrote our choir's initials in the sand...(look close - you can see 'ACC')

Shortly after, a lone duck paddled by, framed by the reflection of the Chugach Mountains on the lake.

Later, his pals joined him for a 'Quacker Convention.'

Figuring that no party can be a party (even for a duck) without food, we decided to donate a few extra hamburger buns to the Quackers.

Watching the ducks eat made us hungry, so we lit the charcoal and threw on some dogs.

Turnout was high when the meat was done...

Here's what all the people who went to the 'right' spot missed...

Chow down, girls!

Gee, we hope those who got the call had as much fun as we did!! So long for now - We'll see you on Tour!

If any of you who went to the other picnic want to share your pictures, I'd be glad to post a few...

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