Our Tour '99!
Alaska Children's Choir
Tour '99 Electronic Communications
User Guide & 'Cheat Sheet'

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Our Tour '99 - electronic communication is back, and better than ever! This user guide will help you understand & use all our features, new and old. Use this for a 'cheat sheet' and keep it handy for easy reference while we're away!

Remote Website Updates: see what we've been up to!
This is the first, and probably easiest to use, part of our communication suite. Throughout the tour (hopefully every day), we will be posting updates with text messages (written by the singers) and lots of pictures, showing what we did that day. This service has been wildly popular on the two previous tours we've done this. This year, we're adding even more pictures!
To access the website updates, log on to our website at http://www.alaska.net/~acc/ and click on 'Choir Tours' (blue), then ''99 - Australia/New Zealand' (green), then 'Live Updates' (purple).
Optionally, you can access Our Tour '99 directly at http://www.alaska.net/~acc/tour1999/
If you wish to set a bookmark, set it to: http://www.alaska.net/~acc/tour1999/index.htm

Email: the quick, cheap and easy way to stay in touch with your touring singer.
Direct, private email communications have also been quite popular in the past. Emailing your singer is by far the easiest and most inexpensive way of communicating with him/her on tour. The success and ease of use here, however, depends on you! Follow these simple directions: By entering your singer's name in the subject field, you help simplify our mail routing, and save us from having to read your message to decipher its intended recipient, keeping your message private.
Have web access, but not email? Go to: http://mail.mail22.com/users/acc-alaska/ to sign up for your free web-based acc-mail account (this is a service just like hotmail / yahoo mail / snap mail / etc).

ICQ: the latest and greatest in live communications.
ICQ, developed by Mirabilis, is a versatile real-time communications system for your use. With ICQ, you can see when our remote computer is online, then send us instant messages and talk to us via live chat!
For more information on ICQ, visit http://www.alaska.net/~acc/tour1999/icq.htm
You may download the ICQ client (required for some ICQ functions) from http://www.mirabilis.com
If you already have an ICQ client, our ICQ number is 28338637 (nickname ACConTour)

#ChoirKids: realtime chat, worldwide, with anyone!
Like to chat online? Well, we even have our own chatroom on TalkCity! With any IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client of your choice (our favorite - pIRCh - http://www.pirchat.com), use the following settings: You can also use our web-based login at: http://www.alaska.net/~acc/tour1999/irc.htm
Occasionally, TalkCity's servers will deny access to persons who have not registered a nickname with their service. You can register your own personal nickname at http://enroll.talkcity.com (we use ACConTour)

SingOut! and ListBot (accalaska): your link to fellow choir parents & fans.
We also provide services so choir parents and fans can stay in touch with one another. Our online message board, SingOut!, can be accessed from the Our Tour '99 main page (http://www.alaska.net/~acc/tour1999/). Here, you can post messages to the general public and anyone can reply, creating a forum for discussion.
We also have a new service, the accalaska discussion list, which allows anyone on the list to send a message to everyone else on the list, keeping everybody constantly up-to date!
To join the accalaska mailing list, go to http://accalaska.listbot.com/ and follow the directions given there.

As always, if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions, email acc@alaska.net

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