in all ocean fishing, part of the thrill is
in not knowing what you might catch. We catch halibut every day, sometimes
huge, sometimes smaller, but its always a mystery waiting to happen.
There are the occasional surprises: salmon, rockfish, octopus, cod,
sharks, wolf eels, skates (ugh!) but always halibut. When you're fishing
for halibut in Homer its nice to know that even a small one is 15 lbs.
or better, and the big ones.... Unbelievable!
It's also a sport
where the novice and the veteran are on a fairly equal footing, once
you get your bait in the right place,  the
halibut decides who's going to be the lucky one today. One day it's
the Ernest Hemingway wannabe, the next day, the little kid next to him
or his mom. Some folks come to fill the freezer, others for that wonderful
jolt when the pole tip dips for the first time, others just to get out
of town and into the wide blue expanse of the ocean and the beauty of
the unspoiled islands and bays of the real Alaska.
you ever caught fish so big that the captain had to shoot it
to protect his passengers? Its a regular event fishing out of Homer.
These fish are powerful and really can raise a ruckus. But on the plate
there isn't a more delicate flavored fish in the world, and if you're
half lucky, you won't be buying any fish from the market for many, many
days. On an average day with North Country you actually get your fish
for less than buying it! What a deal!
