Kaktovik Arctic Adventures

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA

Rafting Trips Summer 2008 (June & July)

Meet Robert Thompson, Your Guide To The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Robert Thompson is an Inupiaq Eskimo wildlife guide. He has lived most of his life on Barter Island with his family. His wife Jane, was born on Barter Island. Robert has two daughters and he is now also a proud grandfather three times over. In addition to guiding, he enjoys hunting, dog mushing, and carving of ivory and wood crafts. He is also an excellent camp cook and storyteller of local history and wildlife.

Robert has a great love and respect for the traditional hunting lands and whaling waters of the Inupiat people. He has traveled to many other places in the world and he is a vietnam veteran of the US Army 101st Airborne Division. Robert has been invited to speak around the USA about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge which is literally the back yard of the Inupiat people on Barter Island and Gwichin Athabascan people who live to the south. Both these groups of Native Alaskans have practiced subsistence hunting and conservation on this land for centuries.

Robert Thompson recently worked as a guide for wildlife photographer Subhankar Banerjee, who's full color picture book Season Of Life And Land has brought stunning images of the Arctic Refuge to thousands across the globe who were eager to see its unique character and beauty. Robert's extensive experience in arctic conditions and his unique knowledge of the land and wildlife of the Arctic Refuge were critical to the success of capturing the incredible photographs of this book.

Please click on the images below to see larger photographs!

Polar Bear Viewing 2008 (Oct -Nov)

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Barter Island & Inupiat Culture


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Robert can take you out in the Refuge to see polar bears Robert's wife Jane, with mukluks made by her mother Robert guiding a summer rafting trip on the Hulahula River Robert tells us why it is important to keep industrial sprawl out of the Arctic Refuge