The Brainerd Foundation

Established in 1995, The Brainerd Foundation provides support to grassroots projects dedicated to protecting environmental quality of the Pacific Northwest. Program Grants range between $10,000 to $20,000, with support lasting for about 1 year. Program Grants funds the following areas:

The Board meets 4 times a year to review grants. A letter of inquiry is required, and must be received 2 months before the next meeting. Inquiry deadlines are:

Early communication with the program officer is encouraged due to the many requests they receive.

For unexpected challenges, The Foundation has an Opportunity Fund Grants Program. These are for situations of exceptional need for projects within the targeted areas of concern. Grants range from $250 to $2,000. There is no application deadline for Opportunity Fund Grants.

Contact The Brainerd Foundation at: 1601 Second Avenue, Suite 610, Seattle, WA 98101, phone: 206-448-0676, fax: 206-448-7222, e-mail: Visit: http:/ / for more information.

The Bullitt Foundation

The Bullitt Foundation is committed to the protection and restoration of the Pacific Northwest environment, including the rainforest region of southeast Alaska. Applications are reviewed 3 times a year: April 1, August 1 & December 1, and a letter of inquiry is not necessary. The 1996 amount awarded to Alaskan organizations was $368,755. Grants ranged from $1,000 to $150, 000. Grantees include: The Alaska Center for the Environment, the Foundation Center, Interrain Pacific, Solar Energy Research & Education Foundation, Wrangell Public Schools and WAMC Public Radio.

The Foundation funds a wide range of activities, including:

They deal with a wide range of issues, including: Air Pollution, Endangered Species, Environmental Education, Forest Lands: Public & Private, Marine Conservation, Pesticides, Salmon, Toxics / Superfund, Water Pollution, Water Rights and Wilderness.

Contact The Bullitt Foundation at 1212 Minor Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101-2825, phone: 206-343-0807, fax: 206-343-0822, by e-mail at Visit their website at http:/ /

The Public Welfare Foundation

The Public Welfare Foundation supports organizations that provide services to disadvantaged populations, and to those working for improvements in services that meet basic human needs.

Their funding is focused in seven program areas: Criminal Justice, Disadvantaged Elderly, Disadvantaged Youth, Environment, Health, Population & Reproductive Health, and Community Support. The last category, Community Support, encompasses a broad range of programs: low-income housing, homelessness, low-income community and economic development, technical assitance to grassroots community and economic development efforts, global security countering hate-motivated activity and discrimination, immigration and refugees, international human rights, and special opportunities as identified by the Foundation.

They are most interested in organizations that meet basic human needs, combining elements of service, advocacy and empowerment in their approach.

They provide both general support and project-specific grants. Most grants cover a one-year period, but they accept requests for renewals and also make multi-year grants. There is not geographic restriction.

PWF can be reached at: Public Welfare Foundation 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 505 Washington DC 20037-1977 (202) 965-1800

Wilburforce Foundation

The Wilburforce Foundation is dedicated to supporting programs which:

Their areas of interest are:

They have 2 types of funding awards: Program Grants and Organizational Grants. Program Grants may be awarded for any program working in one of their focus areas. The maximum program grant is $50,000 per year with most under $25,000.

Organizational Grants are small awards designed to:

Grants are usually awarded for one year and each organization may have only one active grant at a time. Programs must be located in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico or Arizona.

There is no proposal deadline . They are usually considered within 4 months of being received. Program Grant applicants are encourage to phone Wilburforce before submitting a letter of inquiry. Organizational Grants are usually considered in 45 days, and should use Wilbur's application form, available from their website.

They can be reached at: 3601 Fremont Avenue North, Suite 304, Seattle WA, 98103, phone: (206) 632-2325, fax: (206) 632-2326, e-mail WWW http: //

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