British Isles Tour 2001

Day Six:  Monday, July 2, 2001

Monday evening in Anchorage:   Today's news from Sherry Sims, who once again was telephoned by Michael (unlike your faithful webmaster, whose son has only phoned once, from Minneapolis/St. Paul!!* -- see note at bottom of page):

The kids are still having a wonderful time and  they've been very busy. The choir had four performances yesterday.  Today they played tourist:

The group went to Lord and Lady Digby's mansion (Minterne House) today.  The Digbys are friends of Glennis. Michael was quite impressed with the mansion and gardens. The group was provided a tour of the mansion, which included secret passageways and original paintings. The Digbys also have a huge  garden. Mike told Sherry about irises that were taller than he!  He said that almost everything is bloomed out already. The Digbys also provided lunch for the choir.

On the way back to Bournemouth, the group went to Stonehenge.  According to Michael, some of the kids were disappointed because they expected the stones to be larger.

Tomorrow morning the group is rising at 8:00 for breakfast and then touring Bournemouth until 11:00. Most of the kids evidently need to go to the bank.  The group has been so busy, they haven't had time to stop and get money. They are also going to the beach tomorrow. Bournemouth has a beautiful beach, and most of the kids went there today.

The hotel is very old and one of the pools is closed due to an infestation of algae (!).  The rooms are clean, however!. There is a pool across the street at the newer hotel owned by the same company.

The food served at the hotel restaurant is quite fancy --duck was served for dinner  (Yuck! according to Michael).  (The webmaster knows of one boy who probably enjoyed it!)

Michael reports that everyone is having loads of fun and is very busy!!

Today's Photos

Page 1:  Breakfast at the Cumberland Hotel

Page 2: Scenes around Bournemouth

Pages 3 - 7:  Minterne House, Minterne Magna
        3: Meeting and orientation with the Digbys
        4:  Touring Minterne Magna grounds
     5:  Touring Minterne Magna grounds and lunch
        6:  Tour of Minterne House and a performance for the Digbys

Page 7:  Salisbury Cathedral

Pages 8 - 10:  Stonehenge
        8:  Stonehenge
        9:  Stonehenge

Page 10: Wading at the beach at Bournemouth

Here are some links to some of the things
the group did today: 

11:00 am:  They visited Minterne House, "Minterne Magna".  This included a private tour of the house and gardens with Lord and Lady Digby (webmaster's query:  are Lord and Lady Digby related to Susan Digby of The Voices Foundation??).

3:00 pm:   They returned to Bournemouth via Salisbury with a guided sightseeing tour of Stonehenge and Salisbury.

More Links

Cumberland Hotel

Minterne Magna, Dorset, England

Minterne Gardens on

Other historic sites in Wiltshire

Salisbury, Wiltshire, England - Photography by Pete Harlow

Salisbury's charming streets

Salisbury's magnificent gothic Cathedral

Old Sarum





* Your ever-diligent webmaster has greatly bemoaned the fact that her own, most negligent son has not telephoned since his arrival in England!  If your child has not communicated with you, do not despair!  You are not alone!  If your thoughtful child has been in touch with you, count your blessings! Either way, rest assured that the children are having the time of their young lives!!!

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