British Isles Tour 2001

Day Seven:  Tuesday, July 3, 2001

NOTE:  Angela Liston, James Murphy's mom, will be traveling to Scotland on Friday and will be meeting up with the group on Sunday.  She has very kindly offered to carry along and deliver any items that choir kids forgot to pack  If you have an item you would like to have delivered, please email me at

This is going to be a very busy day for the group, so we probably won't hear from them until later.  One note:  if your child has been contacting you on a regular basis, and you would be willing to share group news here, please contact Sally at  Any updates are greatly appreciated!

Today's Photos

Singing at Bournemouth Hall

Here are some links to some of the things
the group did today: 

Early morning (some time after 7:30 a.m.):  They participated in the Bournemouth Music Makers Festival 2001.

11:00 am:  They had a 60 minute, a capella performance at the Pine Walk Bandstand, Lower Gardens (note: the photo on this link takes a long time to download).

3:00 pm:  They had an informal concert at the Russel-Cotes Art and Gallery Museum.

8:00 pm:  They performed at St. Michael's Church at Poole Hill.

Tomorrow the kids will be with their host families in Hartford.

Happy Anniversary, Glennis and Roy!!!!!

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