British Isles Tour 2001

Day Eight:  Wednesday, July 4, 2001

Happy Fourth
of July!!!

We love you and miss you,
Alaska Children's Choir!!!!!

Is it raining all over the world today??

9:45 a.m. in Anchorage:  Newsflash!!! I just received an e-mail message from Matthew!!  I think Roy may have been able to download mail for the kids from the account, so hopefully those of you who sent messages to your children will be hearing from them as well.

Matt e-mailed me from his homestay family's computer.  He sounds wonderful and very happy.  Apparently he hasn't been able to figure out how to use the phone cards he took along with him.  This may be the reason why other kids haven't called home either.  (Maybe they can persuade Michael Sims to give them a phone card lesson?)

Matt reports that he has already purchased souvenirs for our family:  he bought some British bubble gum for his younger brother, and he got me a CD holder in the shape of a dog bone!!!  (I'm dying to know what he's doing with the rest of his spending money!)

Kathryn Ireland e-mailed last night after speaking with Glennis on the phone.  Glennis reports that they're having a good time, but they are busy!

Roy was able to find a necessary part for the laptop, however, the ACS/Internet Alaska number wouldn't work. In addition, the hotel the group was staying at in Bournemouth was pretty ancient, and the phone jacks in the room wouldn't work.

Today the group is traveling to Chester, stopping by Stratford-upon-Avon

According to Glennis, the kids are having fun, including one certain boy, who is reportedly "a little bit scattered-brained about his things"!  He apparently isn't alone, however, because Kathryn relayed a very funny story, à la Glennis, about one boy's suit getting lost just prior to a concert, but showing up just in the nick of time in another boy's garment bag!

Today's Photos

Page 1:  Stratford-upon-Avon
Page 2:  Stratford-upon-Avon

Here are some links to some of the things
the group did today: 

8:00 am:  They departed Bournemouth for Chester -- a long drive!  They stopped at Stratford-upon-Avon along the way.

This evening:  They had dinner with their homestay hosts in the Chester/Hartford area.

Five-Day Weather Forecast
for Chester, England
(rain there, too!)


A day out in Chester (wonderful photos!)

Chester Castle in Cheshire, England

Shakespeare's Stratford

William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon - a brief history ...

Stratford-upon-Avon History around Shakespeare's Time

Stratford-Upon-Avon and William Shakespeare

Stratford-upon-Avon - historic - William Shakespeare - ...

The Stratford-on-Avon guide to William Shakespeare

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - About Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

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