Our Tour '99!

Realtime Tools & Stuff

Tour '99 Clocks
These clocks will help you keep track of what time it is where we are, as well as in common reference cities.


E. Australia

New Zealand

Greenwich Mean

New York

One of the advances this year in our remote communication technology is the addition of realtime features. The clocks above show you what time it is right now in various locations around the world, including Alaska and our destination cities in Australia and New Zealand.
Use our realtime buttonbar to select from the various realtime features available on Our Tour '99!
ICQ - developed by Mirabilis, ICQ is a real-time communication agent, similar to the "Instant Messenger" functions provided by AOL and CompuServe. Our ICQ number is 28338637 if you have an ICQ client, or you can use our online communication panel.
IRC - Visit our live chatroom provided by TalkCity, and chat with choir parents, friends, and fans. We'll check in from abroad from time to time as well!

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