Our Tour '99!
IRC: #ChoirKids Chatroom
Talk amongst yourselves - realtime chat with other choir parents, fans, and members.
Login here to access the chatroom via your web browser (IE / Netscape 3 or better):
Nickname: (required)
Password: (if you are a registered Talk Citizen enter the password for your nickname here)
Full Name: (optional)
Choose a version:
EZTalk Pro
EZTalk Web
EZTalk Pro
the most features
EZTalk Lite
loads faster
EZ Talk Web
HTML based chat

For those of you who prefer an IRC client:

The TalkCity server name is morechat.talkcity.com
Set your IRC Client to address port 7000
The Name of the Chatroom is ChoirKids
Once you are logged on, type /join #ChoirKids to join the chatroom

Want to know more about IRC? Click here: The IRC Primer

Need an IRC Client? My favorite is pIRCh

Sorry, but at this time, I'm not providing support on how to setup an IRC Client. Maybe sometime in the future, the demand will be great enough to warrent this, but as of now, it doesn't... But, if you're REALLY stuck, send us an e-mail, and I'll see if I can help.

Add chat to your web site with the Chat @ Talk City program