Walter M. Wood


Member of: "Alaska Multiple Listing Service "

"The Dirt Merchant"

Robe River Subdivision

Valdez Realty currently has a lot

in "House Only" section of the Robe River Subdivision.

Lot is 115' X 125'

Clear the brush and trees to your liking. Install a septic system and start building your home on this well placed lot on a paved street.

Priced at only $27,500.00


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Realtor since 1972 

 Valdez Realty

P.O.Box 868

Valdez, Alaska 99686

(907) 835-2408

fax (907) 835-5462

Corner of Fairbanks and Hazelet Streets Valdez

© Copyright 1997 Valdez Realty
Valdez Alaska