bullet Elaine Leslie Parents: Fred Leslie and Lanui Annie Lanui.

bullet Eugene Leslie was born on 29 Jun 1943. Parents: Earl Leslie and Helen.

bullet Fred Leslie was born on 10 Mar 1919. Parents: Henry Leslie and Johanna Gaspar.

He was married to Lanui Annie Lanui. Children were: Healani Leslie , Shirley Leslie, Fred Leslie Jr., Elaine Leslie, Calvin Leslie.

bullet George Leslie was born on 27 Dec 1967. Parents: Earl Leslie and Helen.

bullet Healani Leslie Parents: Fred Leslie and Lanui Annie Lanui.

bullet Henry Leslie was born on 30 Jul 1887. He died on 7 Aug 1978.

He was married to Johanna Gaspar. Children were: Henry "Paite" Leslie Jr., Thelma "Momi" Leslie, Fred Leslie, Earl Leslie.

bullet Holau Leslie was born on 22 Dec 1966. Parents: Earl Leslie and Helen.

bullet Irene Wainani Leslie Parents: Henry "Paite" Leslie Jr. and Mary Lanui.

bullet Joanna Leilani Leslie was born on 8 Dec 1934. Parents: Mary Lanui.

She was married to Mitchell Ko'o Gaspar . Children were: Mitchell Ku'uipoikalaiokon a Gaspar , Earl Kamakahanohano Gaspar, Warren Kaui Michael Gaspar, Leona Ipulani Gaspar .

bullet Joanna Leilani Leslie was born on 8 Dec 1934. Parents: Henry "Paite" Leslie Jr. and Mary Lanui .

bullet Mary Leslie Parents: Henry "Paite" Leslie Jr. and Mary Lanui.

bullet Pearl Leslie was born on 26 Apr 1940. Parents: Earl Leslie and Helen.

bullet Shirley Leslie Parents: Fred Leslie and Lanui Annie Lanui.

bullet Thelma "Momi" Leslie was born on 10 Apr 1917. Parents: Henry Leslie and Johanna Gaspar.

She was married to Ernest Enos. Children were: Dixon Enos.

She was married to Adelino Chico Coito . Children were: Joanne Leimomi Coito, Andrew Coito.

bullet Weston Leslie was born on 13 Jan 1947. Parents: Earl Leslie and Helen.

bullet Robert Allen Lessary Jr. was born on 25 Mar 1965. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Gloria Pualani Richardson .

bullet Frank Lawrence Lessary was born on 19 Jun 1975. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Anita Louise Martin.

bullet George Andrew Lessary was born on 4 May 1966. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Gloria Pualani Richardson .

bullet Joan Ellen Ewalani Lessary was born on 8 Nov 1946. Parents: John Lessary and Loretta Leilani Gaspar.

She was married to George Broome. Children were: Robert John W. Kalani Broome, Kerry Ann Broome , Kimberly Rose Kuuleilani Broome.

bullet John Lessary was born on 9 Jun 1912.

He was married to Loretta Leilani Gaspar. Children were: Robert Allen Lessary, Lawrence John Lessary, Joan Ellen Ewalani Lessary, Linda Faye Kuuleilani Lessary, William Arthur Lessary.

bullet Lawrence John Lessary was born on 23 Feb 1945. Parents: John Lessary and Loretta Leilani Gaspar.

bullet Leilani Anna Lessary was born on 18 Jan 1972. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Anita Louise Martin.

bullet Linda Faye Kuuleilani Lessary was born on 21 Jan 1948. Parents: John Lessary and Loretta Leilani Gaspar.

She was married to Edwin Abordo. Children were: Troy Allen Abordo, Jenei Lee Leilani Abordo, John Patrick Abordo, Norman William Edward Abordo .

bullet Paul Gary Lessary was born on 14 Nov 1967. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Gloria Pualani Richardson.

bullet Robert Allen Lessary was born on 8 Oct 1943. Parents: John Lessary and Loretta Leilani Gaspar.

He was married to Gloria Pualani Richardson. Children were: Robert Allen Lessary Jr., George Andrew Lessary , Paul Gary Lessary, Veronica Pualani Lessary, Vanessa Ku'uleilani Lessary.

He was married to Anita Louise Martin. Children were: Leilani Anna Lessary, Frank Lawrence Lessary.

bullet Vanessa Ku'uleilani Lessary was born on 23 Oct 1969. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Gloria Pualani Richardson .

bullet Veronica Pualani Lessary was born on 23 Oct 1969. Parents: Robert Allen Lessary and Gloria Pualani Richardson .

bullet William Arthur Lessary was born on 2 Nov 1950. Parents: John Lessary and Loretta Leilani Gaspar.

bullet Edward Kamakau Lilikalani(1) (2)(3) (4)(5) (1)(6) (7) was See "Sources" for info on history under 'notes'. See "Sources" under 'notes' for history information

Children were: Moana Lilikalani.

bulletMoana Lilikalani has reference number 455. Moana had four husbands. 1=Heulu, 2=Kukalohe, 3=Keawenui, 4=Palila. Lousie Kaaihue Kaneta descended from Palila line. Parents: Edward Kamakau Lilikalani.

Children were: Keaweheulu Heulu.

She was married to Keawenui . Children were: Kanaina Keawenui.

She was married to Kukalohe. Children were: Kanuha Kukalohe.

She was married to Heulu. Children were: Hakau (Kalanikukaulala'a) Heulu.

She was married to Nohomuaolani Palila. Children were: Kalaimanookahoowaha Palila, Kauwa Palila, Kanekolia Palila, Puakokoi Palila, Palake Palila.

bullet Lydia Kamaka'eha Liliuokalani (Queen) (photo) was born on 2 Sep 1838. She died on 11 Nov 1917. Liliuokalani was sister to King Kalakaua. Parents: Caesar Kaluaiku Kapa'akea (High Chief) and Keohokalole Analea Keohokalole (Chiefess).

She was married to John Owen Dominis on 16 Sep 1862 in Honolulu, HI. She was divorced from John Owen Dominis in Honolulu, HI.

bullet Chelcie Limcaco was born on 13 Dec 1993 in Honolulu, HI. Chelcie and Jolise are twins Parents: John Limcaco and Lisa Marie Hoohia Fernandez.

bullet John Limcaco was born Unknown.

Children were: Chelcie Limcaco, Jolise Limcaco.

bulletJolise Limcaco was born on 13 Dec 1993 in Honolulu, HI. Jolise and Chelcie are twins Parents: John Limcaco and Lisa Marie Hoohia Fernandez.

bullet George Kingston LIndsey II was born on 18 Oct 1954. Parents: George Kingston Lindsey Jr. and Rachel Leiilima Gaspar .

He was married to Joan Regina Schiefelbein. Children were: George Kingston Lindsey III.

bullet George Kingston Lindsey III was born on 22 May 1978. Parents: George Kingston LIndsey II and Joan Regina Schiefelbein .

bullet George Kingston Lindsey Jr. was born on 27 Sep 1926.

He was married to Rachel Leiilima Gaspar. Children were: George Kingston LIndsey II, Lori Ann Momi Ala Lindsey, Kirt Kingsley Lindsey, J.B. Hensley Lindsey.

bullet J.B. Hensley Lindsey was born on 22 Oct 1963. Parents: George Kingston Lindsey Jr. and Rachel Leiilima Gaspar .

bullet Kirt Kingsley Lindsey was born on 24 Jul 1962. Parents: George Kingston Lindsey Jr. and Rachel Leiilima Gaspar .

bullet Lori Ann Momi Ala Lindsey was born on 12 May 1961. Parents: George Kingston Lindsey Jr. and Rachel Leiilima Gaspar .

bullet Loe Lomakani was born about 1913. Parents: Willie Lomakani and Ester.

bullet Newa Lomakani was born about 1891. He died about 1903. Parents: William Kaalomakani and Hina Kanaulu.

bullet Willie Lomakani was born about 1893. He died about 1920. Parents: William Kaalomakani and Hina Kanaulu.

He was married to Ester. Children were: Loe Lomakani.

bullet Lonoaea has reference number 112.

Children were: Leioli'i .

He was married to Nako'olani Kawaahoeole. Children were: Leioli'i Lonoaea, Kaupai Lonoaea, Kukahiko Lonoaea, Kamakamohaha Lonoaea, Kahonu Lonoaea, Kaea'akamahu Lonoaea.

bullet Kaea'akamahu Lonoaea Parents: Lonoaea and Nako'olani Kawaahoeole.

bullet Kahonu Lonoaea Parents: Lonoaea and Nako'olani Kawaahoeole.

He was married to Kekoi . Children were: Kamiki (adopted) Nahinu.

bullet Kamakamohaha Lonoaea Parents: Lonoaea and Nako'olani Kawaahoeole.

bullet Kaupai Lonoaea Parents: Lonoaea and Nako'olani Kawaahoeole.

bullet Kukahiko Lonoaea Parents: Lonoaea and Nako'olani Kawaahoeole.

bullet Leioli'i Lonoaea has reference number 56. Parents: Lonoaea and Nako'olani Kawaahoeole.

He was married. Children were: Kekino Koko Jr, Kapua Leiolii , Mahuna Leiolii, Lono Leiolii .

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