Hello and welcome to our [very old] home page! 
We have not performed any updates on this site in many years. Instead, Tony has
been uploading his photography to his Flickr site.
Girl with Book on the People Photography Forum.
"Little Girl with Book"
My Sister Julia

"Julia, circa 1971"
23 Years Later...
The shot to the right (click on it to see the large version of both)
was taken in 1994 with a Leica M4-2 rangefinder and 50mm f/2
For Leica Enthusiasts
If you are interested in the use of Leica cameras, accessories,
technique, history, etc., check out the Leica Photography Q&A Discussion
Forum. I set it up using a free software and hosting service by Phillip Greenspun
(see below) for anyone interested in discussing Leica stuff.

"Mimi Decorating the Tree"
What do you think of the above photograph?
If you care to comment, or to see other people's comments on it, please
See it on photocritique.net and add comments there.
My opinion: No other photograph of mine conveys more heartfelt emotion.
It conveys a sense of complete dedication, love, and caring
by someone I consider my life's platform. It conveys Mimi so perfectly that
I often look at this photograph for several minutes without looking away.
It is symbolic of my love for this beautiful woman.
I took it a year ago with my Leica M6 camera and 35mm Summicron f/2 lens (wide open).
I've taken so many pictures of Mimi that she has learned to just ignore me. This
is great because I can catch her being 100% of herself.
a black and white photograph, it is the most colorful photograph
I have ever made.
Other Areas
Uncategorized images
See a few of photographs taken at Tom Rowinski's wake in Fairbanks
in September, all with the 50mm Noctilux f/1 lens:
Wake4.htm, and
Halibut fishing twice to Seward, hiked a little bit to the top of Flat Top Mountain
right here in Anchorage, Katmai
National Park
I've been playing around with a 50mm f/1 lens for my camera lately.
The picture at left is of Mimi taken at 1/1000th of a second wide open with
Kodak Tmax-3200 film.
Katmai National Park, Alaska!
We spent a week with Alaskan Brown Bears!
Please look at our Katmai Page
for a look at our adventurs with bears and mosquitos!
Noctilux! Photography at f/1.0
Check out
these new Noctilux shots taken with the Leica M6
and 50mm Noctilux-M f/1 lens.