Current Status as of Sept, 2000
32 states have enacted parity legislation as of September, 2000.
Comprehensive Parity
4 states
Parity for all, including both mental health and substance abuse.
- Connecticut 1999
- Maryland 1994
- Minnesota 1995
- Vermont 1997
Full Parity
4 states
Not quite comprehensive due to certain exemptions and/or limitations.
- Georgia 1998
50 eployees exemption for separate day and visit limits.
- Indianna 1999
No substance abuse; 50 eployees exemption, 4% cost increase cap.
- New Mexico 2000
No Substance Abuse; 1.5% cost increase cap for less than 50 employees; 2.5% increase cap for 50 or more employees.
- Kentucky 2000
50 Employees exemption.
Limited Parity
24 States
Parity applies only to select groups.
- Arizona 1997
- Arkansas 1997
- California 1999
- Colorado 1997
- Delaware 1998
- Hawaii 1999
- Louisiana 1999
- Maine 1995
- Massachusetts 2000
- Missouri 1999
- Montana 1999
- Nebraska 1999
- Nevada 1999
- New Hampshire 1994
- New Jersey 1999
- North Carolina 1991, 1997
- Oklahoma 1999
- Rhode Island 1994
- South Carolina 2000
- South Dakota 1998
- Texas 1991, 1997
- Tennessee 1998
- Utah 2000
- Virginia 1999