The Great Scrub Down!
Don't worry
we won't kill or mame your ponies in here. It does kind of remind
me of the old cartoons of a kids in a little wash basin getting
scrubed with a big ol' brush.
Ok so here
goes. Follow these easy steps to clean the gunkum off your favorites
I use this same method on my So Soft ponies. Only I use a nail
brush toothbrush or beatup use srubby with out much scru left
to it. It is more gentle on the flocking.
Step One:
Fill a kitchen sink about
1/4 of the way full.
Add a few teaspoons of dish washing detergent and 1/8 cup (30ml)of
household bleach.
Using a scrubby type sponge like SOS or something scrub the dirt
off your ponies. Be careful around the symbols. If this is a new
scrubby then it could scratch off the symbol!

Step Two:
Rinse your pony. Hold her
with her tail pointing down so water doesn't go into the tail
If water gets in there she could mold and then you would have
a funky pony! Eeeuuww!
We don't like those. Rinse her out and then move on the the hair
if needed.

Step Three:
Let dry overnight.