Custom Body
I have made
four custom ponies so far....they are simple and the photo quality
isn't so great. Maybe once I get a good digital camera I can upgrade
the photos. These were my first custom jobs - nothing to be really
excited about,but you always have to show your first trys.
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interested in learning more about customs visit us
Custom Club in Yahoo
Rasta Star
a little goofy pony from the island
of Jamaica. Directly related to RainCurl she came to us dreads
and all. I just couldn't resist the chance to make a dread-locked
Aurora Borealis
My land of the Midnight Sun pony.
She comes from Alaska where you can read a book by the borealis
during the winter. Her symbol is the Aurora Borealis done in silver
with green and red highlights.
Snow White
Snow white is the first in my Disney
Series. She was made using gold and green gel pens and red green
and black sharpie markers.
Sleeping Beauty
Second in the Disney Series, Sleeping
Beauty carries the symbols of a red rose, gold crown, and spinning
wheel. her eyse lashes have also been lengthened.