
Hunting Camps


Our hunting base camp is located along the Nushagak River, some 100 miles from Dillingham, Alaska, in the Southwestern portion of the state. As well as the base camp, we also set spike camps up along various other rivers to hunt from, depending on where the game is at that time. Accommodations for the base camp include a large eating and dining area. Sleeping quarters consist of heated wall tents. Hearty meals are prepared by a full-time cook

7 Day Guided Caribou Hunt
Your 7 day fully guided caribou hunt will take you into the heart of the Mulchatna Herd, containing more than 300,000 barren ground caribou. You will be flown, via float plane, from Dillingham, Alaska to base camp, located on the Nushagak River. From there, depending on where the caribou herds are located, you will either be hunting the vast rolling tundra hills, or you will be boated to one of the many spike camps located on various other river drainages. On many occasions the large caribou herds can actually be spotted swimming the river corridors. Nonresidents are permitted to harvest 2 caribou, with the purchase of an additional caribou tag, this allows many hunters to harvest game with rifles, muzzleloaders or by means of archery.


10 Day Guided Moose Hunt
Your 10 day fully guided moose hunt allows you 10 full days to have the opportunity to harvest a trophy bull moose. This hunt takes you into the many sloughs and backwaters of the Nushagak River. The majority of the hunting consists of hunting these sloughs and backwaters by means of a boat or by simply making your way through sloughs wearing hip boots. Much of the time is spent glassing, searching for the best trophy.


10 Day Caribou/Moose Guided Combination Hunt
This hunt allows you to harvest both a trophy caribou and a trophy moose. The main focus is to concentrate on harvesting a trophy moose, as caribou, more often than not can be found in areas where moose may inhabit.

10 Day Guided Brown Bear Hunt
This 10 day guided brown bear hunt takes place in the later part of September and the earlier part of October, allowing the bears to be spotted and harvested near the many salmon beds located along the river, this type of hunting is more conducive to hunting by means of a boat. Hunting the bears on the blueberry infested hills also proves to be productive. This involves many spent hours glassing from a vantage point looking for that trophy boar. This hunt can also be combined with a caribou hunt at the hunter’s request.

All trophies (including meat) whether it be your caribou cape and antlers, your moose cape and antlers or your bear hide, are prepared for you at camp. It is the hunter’s responsibility to ship the trophies and the meat from Dillingham, Alaska to their final destination.
Jimmy Gee
Registered Guide
U.S.C.G. Certified River Guide

Phone: 907-227-4366 -
P.O. Box 110868 Anchorage, Alaska 99511
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