Funny River Ranch Buisness Card
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Alpaca Owners and Breeder Association :
This is the home page of the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association.

Yocom-McColl Wool Testing Labs

Alpaca Lovers Actively Sharing Knowledge in Alaska
Alaska affiliate of the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association

Alpaca Registry
Contains a wealth of information about alpacas and The Alpaca Registry

Livestock guardian dogs

Double Ring Kuvasz
Breeders of wonderful working dogs and some nice show dogs too.

American Kuvasz Association (AKA)
An organization devoted to the promotion and protection of the Kuvasz

The Kuvasz Club of America, Inc.
Established in 1966, exists as a means to protect the breeding of purebred Kuvaszok and to bring their natural qualities to perfection. The K.C.A., Inc. is a member of the American  Kennel Club and is this breeds official parent club.

Guinea Fowl
Most of the content involves those weird and wacky birds known as Guinea Fowl

Backwoods home Magazine
Practical ideas for self reliant living.  A wonderful source of information.

State of Alaska home page

Check out the forecast for our area.