"An Ounce of
Prevention is
worth a Pound
of Cure"

Your Mutual Help
& Occupany Agreement:
Page 1







Maintaining your furnace, fixing broken windows, and making sure your pipes don't freeze in the winter are all part of the job of being a homeowner. It's a responsibility you and your family agreed to when you signed the Mutual Help and Occupany Agreement and moved into your BBHA home. If you haven't looked at it in a while, here's what the MHOA says on page 5, Article VIII, paragraph 8.4:

"The Homebuyer shall be responsible for routine non-routine maintenance of the home, including all repairs and replacements (including those resulting from damage from any cause). BBHA shall not be obligated to pay for or provide any maintenance of the home other than the correction of warranty items reported during the applicable period."

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Box 50, Dillingham, AK 99576 | (907) 842-5956 |FAX (907) 842-2784
Toll-Free 1-800-478-5956
E-Mail bbha@bbha.org

Providing affordable, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income residents of Southwest Alaska