DiJiT: News March 1998
What's New

News Archive: March 1998

3/17/98 Happy St. Patricks Day!, Links, Quake 3

Happy St. Patricks Day!

A happiest of St. Patricks days from the DiJiT Group. Enjoy the holiday!


We've updated the Links page, removing any old links, and have also added a page specific to Netscape Navigator. Navigator doesn't like tables within tables, so the page was looking strange. Netscape Navigator users can now view the links here. Also, in addition the Legal page has been slightly modified.

Quake 3

Though on this news page we generally stick to DiJiT News, it has become apparent that some industry events are just too big to ignore. From now on, any big game industy events will be reported here. The first is the announcement of Quake 3 by John Carmack of ID Software. A change from their original plans of working on a Quake 2 Mission Pack and starting their next-generation engine Trinity, they will now use peices of Trinity and a brand new graphics engine with the levels they were working on for the mission pack with a full game added on to bring you Quake 3. Unfortunately, Quake 3 will REQUIRE 3D hardware acceleration, so go ahead and cash in on that VooDoo 3Dfx card you've been lusting after in the stores. Read more about this and more on the various hardware required for Quake 3 through John Carmack's .plan at QuakeFinger or follow daily at Blue's News.

3/12/98 Absolute Loyalties Devolpments, New Review, Credits

Absolute Loyalties Devolpments

Absolute Loyalties, one of our Quake TCs, has recently added a new member to the team. CSurfer will do the DLL(Quake 2's way to edit monster behavior and many other attributes) and has worked on the famous Quake TC Zerstorer. Find out all about it and see the new piece of storyline just added at the Quake TCs page.

New Review

Slayer has written a review for Quake 2. Find it at the Reviews page.


We've added the teams of each project to the Our Games pages.

- Arctic Ape is working on Shade.
- Iodine is working on The Battle.
- Craft is working on Grief.
- Slayer and CSurfer are working on the Quake 2 Absolute Loyalties TC.
- Odin is working on the Quake 2 Military TC.

3/11/98 Down?


There have been some technical problems with several areas of our webpage, including our banners and host troubles. Keep with us as we continue to change and grow, and worry not for most of the problems will be solved soon. Other then that, we're still working hard.

3/6/98 Leaving, Joining!


Due to his sheer lack of initiative, we've been forced to remove Vindicator from the DiJiT Group. This, though disapointing, is for the best as we shed some dead weight. We hope others will soon replace him, and for more on that see the next post.


If you think you have what it takes to be a part of DiJiT, fill out the new application form and best of luck!

3/5/98 Quake II

Quake II

Slayer now has the tools to fully edit Quake 2. Look for major devolpments in the Quake TCs page.

3/4/98 Quake II/SOW

Quake II/SOW

The DiJiT Level Pack for Quake 1 has been dropped due to technical problems and the everlasting urge to move on to Quake 2. Now the current and any future Quake TCs by DiJiT will be created for Quake 2. For more information, see the Quake TCs page.

3/3/98 Working Hard..., Old News Moved

Working Hard...

We haven't updated our page in awhile because we've been hard at work bringing you quality games. All projects are coming along well, and more screenshots should be on the way soon. In the meantime, please take a look at our host's website, Internet Alaska.

Old News Moved

All the old news from Febuary 1998 has been moved to the News Archives page.