About DiJiT

Handle: Arctic Ape
Name: Troy Lawlor
E-mail: articape@alaska.net
Current Project(s): Shade
Job Description: Programmer, Webmaster

Favorite Game: Marathon 2: Durandal, Myth: The Fallen Lords
Favorite Movie: Starship Troopers, Stargate
Favorite TV Show: Stargate SG-1, NewsRadio
Favorite Book: Inside Macintosh Series
Favorite Pastime: Creating Graphics
Favorite Application: Photoshop 2.5, CodeWarrior
Least Favorite Application: Photoshop 3.0
Favorite Quake Level: Any ID Map
Favorite Quake Editor: WorldCraft<< I guess

Short Description of Job: I am one of DiJiT's full time programmers(not quakeC, I mean creating actual apps), designed our webpages, and enjoy creating intoxicating graphics when I'm free.

Handle: Iodine
Name: Ian Phillips
E-mail: mij@primenet.com
Current Project(s): The Battle
Job Description: Programmer

Favorite Game: Doom, Simcity2000
Favorite Movie: Independence Day
Favorite TV Show: The Visitor
Favorite Book: Myst: The book of Atrus
Favorite Pastime: Programming

Short Description of Job: I am one of DiJiT's full time programmers. My current project is "The Battle".

Handle: Slayer
Name: Dan Bruington
E-mail: djtslayer@hotmail.com
Current Project(s): DiJiT Level Pack, Absolute Loyalites TC
Job Description: Everything Quake

Favorite Game: Quake 2
Favorite Movie: The Fifth Element, Starship Troopers
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld
Favorite Book: Starship Troopers
Favorite Pastime: Mapmaking
Favorite Application: Worldcraft, Paint Shop Pro
Least Favorite Application: none
Favorite Quake Level: Anyone I made...
Favorite Quake Editor: WorldCraft

Short Description of Job: Quake Editing: Sound, Models, Graphics, Textures, you name it.

Handle: Craft
Name: Jasen Huelskeotter
E-mail: ldpj@alaska.net
Current Project(s): Grief
Job Description: Graphics, Maps

Favorite Game or Games: Marathon 2: Durandal, and Quake
Favorite Movie: Computer Graphics Festival
Favorite TV Show: Johnny Bravo
Favorite Book: Hobbit Series, Starship Troopers
Favorite Pastime: Graphics
Favorite Application: Photoshop 2.5
Least Favorite Application: Any Crappy Graphic Application
Favorite Quake Level: Not Any Particular
Favorite Quake Editor: WorldCraft

Short Description of Job: Graphics

Handle: Ghost
Name: Josh Clark
E-mail: josh_dc@hotmail.com
Current Project(s): GangLand, QSafari
Job Description: Concept Writer, Graphic Artist

Favorite Game(s): Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Descent, Command & Conquer, Warcraft, Quest For Glory

Favorite Movie(s): Mission: Impossible, The Blues Brothers, E.T., Scream, Scream 2, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Face/Off

Favorite TV Show(s): The X-Files, Dharma & Greg, The Drew Carrey Show, Seinfeld, America's Dumbest Criminals (and similar police footage shows), King of the Hill, most stand-up comedy

Favorite Book(s): IT and Cujo by Stephen King; White Shark and The Beast by Peter Benchley; Jurassic Park, the Lost World, Congo, the Andromeda Strain, Sphere, and the Terminal Man by Michael Crichton Favorite Pastime(s): Art (both computer and freehand), technology, punk/rock band

Favorite Application(s): Frontpage Express, Paint, WinAmp, CakeWalk

Least Favorite Application: MSIE 4.0+ because it screws up the java at quickchatcafe.com and it keeps giving me information on stuff like "About: Navigation Canceled" when I don't feel like going to my default page at startup.

Favorite Quake Level: This is probably a tossup between the hotel and the prison facility in the SWAT team TC. I like the first because it has a lot of dark corners that you can camp in, and the latter of the two because it's fun to snipe the fugitive with the MP5 from the high prison walls and guard towers.

Favorite Quake Editor: QME because the color palettes kick ass, but I also like meddle's wireframing

Short Description of Job: I come up with ideas for the storylines and specifics of our conversions and I put skins on the models of weapons, characters, items, map objects, etc.