With the rapid growth seen in tourism here in Alaska, having good resources to help guide and moderate development is essential. Here's some information worth considering:

Alaska Tourism Handbook: A Guide to Community Tourism Development - State of Alaska, Division of Tourism, Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development. For a free copy, contact Pete Carlson at 907-465-2010.

Alaska Village initiatives - 1577 C Street, Anchorage, AK 99503, 907-27~5400. They provide technical support in developing ecotourism in rural Alaska.

Alaska Visitors Association- 3201 C Street, Suite 403, Anchorage, AK 99503, 907-561-5733. They have a wealth of information.

Ecotourism Planning Guide of Alaska Native Landowners - James Allway for the Nature Conservancy of Alaska. They can be reached at 907-276-3133, with a cost of $12.00 per copy.

Alaska Wilderness Guide - published by Milepost, available through most bookstores.

The 1997 Alaska Adventure Sourcebook - Alaska Wilderness Recreation & Tourism Association Membership Directory A copy may be obtained for $5.00, AWRTA may be reached at: 907-463-3038.

Options for Identifying and Protecting Strategic Fish and Wildlife Habitats and Recreation Sites -The Nature Conservancy, costing $15.00 a copy.

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