Board Members

Adeiheid Herrmann is presently the Coordinator for the Fisheries Economic Development Commission in Bristol Bay Borough, Alaska. She has a vast experience and continuing interest in advocacy of fisheries on local, national and international levels. Ms. Herrmann served in the Alaska State Legislature, House of Representatives for six years, chairing the House Special Committee on Fisheries and co-chairing the House Resources Committee. Ms Herrmann was also a founding member of the Pacific Fisheries Legislative Task Force, serving with legislative representatives from California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon and Washngton

Gaining an understanding of the environment has always been a strong motivational force for Ms. Herrmann. Since the age of six, she has participated as a fisher in Bristol Bay's world- class salmon fishery, and has also observed herring and bottom fish fisheries. A personal goal is to see courses on the fishing and seafood industry made part of the curricula at all levels in Alaska's educational system. Ms. Herrmann is currently completing a degree in Public Policy/Fisheries and Native Studies.

Larry Merculieff, has over 25 years of experience serving his people, the Aleuts of the Pribilof Islands and other Alaska Native Peoples. His reach as been broad and varied; a few of the positions he's held include: City Manager of St. Paul Island, Commissioner of the Department of Commerce & Economic Development, President and CEO of Tanadgusix (a.k.a. TDX) Corporation. He is currently the General Manager of Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association, one of the six Community Development Quota groups.

Larry is a strong voice advocating the meaningful application of traditional knowlede and wisdom obtained from elders and peoples of the region with the scientific community's approach to the environment.

He is co-founder and chairman of the Alaska Indigenious Council on Marine Mammals; Chairman of the Nature Conservancy, Alaska chapter; founder and coordinator of the Bering Sea Coastal coalition, Alaska chapter and coordinator of the Alaska Sea Lion Commission.