By Adelheid Herrmann

I've been involved with the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society for a few years now. I've grown an appreciation for their way of operation. I believe the one reason they are so successful at what they do is because they stay out of the political arena and concentrate more on providing technical and educational services. The regional and national conferences provide a host of information to tribes from youth science camps to developing a natural resources management plan or program.

In 1997, we had an excellent conference that focused on Traditional Knowledge and we had participation from many tribes, as well as federal and state agencies. The Alaska Region of the Society will holding its conference on April 7th, 8th & 9th in 1998.

One project that the National Native American Fish and Wildlife Society has been working hard on is to develop a foundation that eventually would be able to fund tribal fish and game projects. We have many member tribes in the state of Alaska and I see much opportunity for tribes to build their natural resource program capacity through education and training. I believe that tribes can build partnerships with the Federal and State agencies. One issue that I see everyone working on is getting Federal agencies, in addition to, the Bureau of Indian Affairs to recognize their responsibilities to tribes and start developing effective ways to do this.

If any one would like to contact me they can do so by writing me at P.O. Box 263, Naknek, Alaska 99633 or calling me at home (907) 2464495 or at work (907) 246-8332. My e-mail address is See you at AFN.

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