British Isles Tour 2001

Day Twelve:  Sunday, July 8, 2001

This morning, I can personally report that everyone is just fine and having a wonderful time, because I broke down and called my son last night!  I woke two very sleepy boys (8 a.m. their time), because the group didn't check into the hotel in Wakefield until well after midnight, but they sounded wonderful, and happy to hear a voice from home.  

Matthew and Brandon absolutely adored their homestay family, as apparently did the other kids.  I wasn't able to glean a lot of trip details, only that England "is SO cool"! Stonehenge was Matt's favorite stop, however he forgot to bring his extra film along, and ran out of film while there.

The group is traveling on a double-decker coach.  The kids sit on the top level, while the adults have been confined to the lower level.  The parents traveling along on the trip have been "really nice" and very helpful.  One apparently offered to wash Matt's clothes for him, which makes me wonder whether our "washing clothes by hand" lessons are being put to good use!

The weather hasn't been as rainy as the online weather reports indicate.  In fact, Matt says that they've been told they brought "the Alaskan sunshine" along with them (so that's where it went!).  It sounds as if all is well and wonderful.

Today, Angela Liston and the new laptop will be joining the group.  This will hopefully make things a little easier for Roy!

Here are some links to some of the things
the group did today: 

10:30 am:  They visited the York Viking Museum.

Afternoon:  They visited Hadrian's Wall en route to Stirling, Scotland.

7:30 pm:  They dined at the Stirling Highland Hotel.

More Links

Hadrian's Wall and Roman Northumberland

Touring Hadrian's Wall on Britannia

Welcome to Hadrian's Wall Country

World Heritage Site - Hadrian's Wall 

Stirling Scotland

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