Our Tour '99!

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Friday, July 30, - Day 20 of 20

Carrie riding the luge

Logistics: hard at work!

Thanks, Marcia - it's been a good run...

Who ever said ACC travels light?!

One last call home...

Stacking the girls like suitcases? No, they're showing off their autographs of hockey players!
Updates for the last five days of Tour (July 25-30) are currently photo-only. If you went on Tour, and you want to contribute by writing a few paragraphs of update text, just email us!

Thursday, July 29, - Day 19 of 20

Big Birds Attack Choir from Alaska! (swans at lunch...)

Hongi: traditional Maori greeting

Geyser in the Te Whakerewarewa Thermal Reserve

Playing in the steam...(our hotel is in the background)

Maori carver hard at work

Hangi: Maori feast/fest - Yum!

Wednesday, July 28, - Day 18 of 20

City of Auckland, NZ - Skyline

What's left of our staff...

A Kiwi lunar eclipse!

Tuesday, July 27, - Day 17 of 20

Oops - No Pictures Today!... (we spent more time than we thought was possible sitting in the Cairns airport today, because our plane had mechanical problems.) We sent two chaperones and a small group of singers home today, before we went on to New Zealand.

Monday, July 26, - Day 16 of 20

Smile! You're going to the beach! (en route to the Great Barrier Reef)

Wading in the Great Barrier water

Ahh! Warm, sandy beaches

Sunday, July 25, - Day 15 of 20

Swimming pool fun

Duct tape: the ties that bind!

Mike, Bree: Emailing you...

Saturday, July 24, - Day 14 of 20

Michael: Tarzan!

Scenic view of Melbourne skyline

Finally got this site up to date!
Today we had a totally free day with our host families. Some of us went to the local wildlife preserve, Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary, while others toured the tallest building in Melbourne, the Rialto. Still others spent time at Luna Park, an amusement park in Melbourne. Sorry we can't bring you pictures of all the day's activities, but this shows one group's day.
-Update by Joshua

Friday, July 23, - Day 13 of 20

Happy Birthday Marcia!

Gathering after lunch at the river

Staging area at Iwaki Auditorium
We all met up at the Tintern Church of England Girls Grammar School. We then warmed up our voices to sing a concert for the girls. The girls were an exceptional audience - very quiet and polite. Following the concert, we got on the bus to go to the Melbourne High School for Boys to sing a concert. That concert went very smoothly as 800 boys sang to our choir and enthralled us all. We then sang and shared our music with them. We then had a picture session on the steps of the school and we were off to lunch. After dropping our concert dresses and boxes at the Iwaki Auditorium, where our evening concert was held, we walked a few blocks to Southbank Shopping Center, on the riverfront. We had two hours to eat our sack lunches, and then browse the mall. Marcia celebrated her birthday today, and was greeted by hugs and gifts from multiple choirmembers. Back at Iwaki, we had a 30- minute 'rest time.' We had to be absolutely silent for 30 minutes - this is really nice for some of us - a perfect time to journal or read a book. Sleep is nice, too! After dinner at the local university cafeteria, we headed back to change for our concert. The concert, which featured three choirs and an excellent orchestra, ran about 3 hours, and was well-received by the audience. We went home with our hosts, looking forward to tomorrow's totally free day.
-Update by Joshua & Michael

Thursday, July 22, - Day 12 of 20

Foster's truck atop hotel en route to Melbourne

Today's Schedule calls for 7 hours on the road

Chowin' down at a highway rest stop
Well, today's update should be pretty simple. We drove. And we drove. Then we stopped for lunch. We drove some more. And we drove further. Then, at the request of a few outspoken bladders, we stopped at a rest stop about 80 km outside Melbourne, where we also picked up some extra food before we got on the bus. As we entered the city of Melbourne, our courier and bus driver pointed out some interesting sights to us. Because we were running late, we headed straight for the Whitehorse Centre, where we met our new hosts from the Australian Children's Choir (another ACC!). As we parted for the evening, we all were looking forward to a good night's sleep.
-Update by Joshua & Michael

Wednesday, July 21, - Day 11 of 20

43-meter dish at Tidbinbilla Deep Space Tracking Station

Gives new meaning to 'eating in the bus'
(Sorry, but we didn't take any pictures today - we've posted some more from yesterday instead.)
This morning we arose in our host families' homes and packed up for the trip to Wagga Wagga. Our host families dropped us off at a local shopping center, where we boarded the bus. After a few hours' drive, we stopped for lunch. Then we drove some more (total driving time: approx. 4 hours). Upon arrival in Wagga Wagga (at a really nice hotel), we unloaded our luggage and climbed back on the bus to head to the rehearsal/soundcheck. The church was freezing cold, but they said they would turn on the heat for the evening concert. Back at the hotel, we had a bit of downtime, then we went to Golden Seasons Restaurant for dinner. Once again returning to the hotel, we rested slightly, grabbed our garment bags, and sped off to the church. True to their word, the heat was indeed on, and we had a successful concert, with only minor rough spots. A long day for all - tomorrow: Melbourne!
-Update by Joshua & Michael

Tuesday, July 20, - Day 10 of 20

Jumping kangaroos in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Emu in Tidbinbilla

Parliament House in Canberra
This morning, we got up and met the group at the bus. From there, we embarked on a guided sight seeing tour of Canberra and its surroundings. The highlight of our tour was our visit to the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, where we got the chance to view kangaroos, koalas, emus, wombats, and other Australian birds and animals in their natural, wild state. Following our visit to the Tidbinbilla Deep Space Tracking Station, which plays a large part in the United States' space communication network, and in fact received most of the pictures from the recent Mars Rover, we had a chance to eat our sack lunches at a scenic roadside stop. A little rain didn't hamper our fun as we ate and enjoyed a cake to celebrate the 16th birthday of one of our choiristers. After lunch, we toured in the Canberra city proper, with a visit to Parliament House. Then it was off to rehearse for the evening's festival concert. After rehearsal, we went back to our gracious host families' homes, where we were fed & watered. Back at the University House, we performed as part of a concert with the Woden Valley Youth Choir and the Renae Singers. The concert was enjoyed by all, both the sell-out audience and the performers. Finally, we got a chance to catch a few winks, and another day was done!
-Update by Joshua & Michael

Monday, July 19, - Day 9 of 20

Photo Op at lookout over Canberra

Lake Burley Griffen

Socializing with the Woden Valley Youth Choir and the Renae Singers at dinner
Today we made the three-hour drive to Canberra, Australia's capital city and our next port-of-call. We got up early this morning, and were the last of the three choirs staying here to leave our hotel. We had a leisurely breakfast, then som of us got in our requisite bus-loading practice...We also met our new courier, Trevor, who is a Canberra native. Upon arrival in Canberra this afternoon, he took us on a wonderful tour of the city, and we had the chance to spend a few hours roaming the local mall. Tonight, we had a dinner and social evening with our hosts, the Woden Valley Youth Choir, and the Renae Singers from Tasmania. Following dinner, we headed home with our hosts and our luggage. WVYC are wonderful hosts, and we very much appreciate their having us in their homes. After making sure our things were prepared for tomorrow's activities, we were free to 'hit the sack'. We thank you for all your email messages and support, and hope that we can catch up on these updates - here's hoping... You are all with us in our thoughts and minds always.
-Update by Joshua (Michael fell asleep at the wheel - last update for tonight, sorry!)

Sunday, July 18, - Day 8 of 20

Panorama of the view from our dressing room in Sydney Opera House (click on this one to see the full image)

Eva & Margaret - Opera House souvenirs

Sleep time 'down under' - Opera House Green Room
Today was another marathon day. We got an extremely early morning start - breakfast was at 6:30a. Then we bussed down to the Opera House for the morning rehearsal with Ms. Bartle and the Festival Orchestra. After two hours of that, we changed directors and chairs, and ran a rehearsal with Mr. Smart and the International Festival folks. After two more hours of rehearsal, we got to refresh, take a walk, and eat our provided box lunch, consisting of muffin, fruit, juice box, and candy bar, as well as one of the worst sandwiches we've ever tasted. Some sort of cole slaw sandwich with assorted vegetables...yecch! Anyway, once we got the taste out of our mouths, it was time to head back inside, straighten up and change for our 2pm concert with Professor Smart. The concert went well, despite some of us dozing off on stage while waiting for other choirs to sing. Our finale, 'Go Where I Send Thee,' was quite a hit with the audience. Back in the Sydney Green Room, we were served a hot buffet dinner with rice, salad, rolls, and -- our favorite (Tracey, are you out there?) -- chocolat mousse! After eating, it was back to the room to add lipstick for the evening concert with Ms. Bartle and 'Sydney Sings.' That concert went off well, and we got a chance to hear the wonderful acoustics in the Opera House. After a post-concert supper in the House, we went back to our hotel, where we had to say good-bye to our friend and tour guide, Tracey. A good day all around, but we'll be missing her presence later. More tomorrow!

Statistics from today's activities:
  • The Opera House has 5 theatres.
  • The Concert Hall, largest of the 5, holds 2676.
  • The ceiling in Concert Hall is 69 metres high.
  • Tracey collected 12 pins, two CD's, one book, and a polo shirt from us as gifts.
    -Update by Joshua and Michael

    Saturday, July 17, - Day 7 of 20

    Waiting around at the Festival Rehearsal

    Eating dinner at the Festival Party

    Tracey, our wonderful tour guide, with the love of her life (just kidding, Tracey!)
    Today was a long day, that's for sure! We started out the day at a rehearsal for the International Choral Festival with Ronald Smart. We sang "Children, Go Where I Send Thee" and "If I Had Words," from the movie 'Babe.' Luckily, we already knew "Go Where I Send Thee" - we even got to demonstrate for the other choirs. We were joined at the International Choral Festival by ten other choirs, from China, Japan, Australia, Denmark, and of course, the Good Old U.S. of A. After the ICF rehearsal, we went back to rehearsal with the Sydney Sings Festival and Jean Ashworth Bartle. Several tiring hours later, we walked to the Masonic Centre for lunch - assorted sandwiches, juice, fruit, and cake. That was nice...but then it was back to rehearsal. We certainly know that we're not on this trip only for a vacation! After today's final rehearsal, we went back to the hotel to change into 'party clothes', then off we went to the banquet room at the Masonic Centre for the 'Festival Dinner & Party'. At the party, we were served juice, lemonade, and two types of pasta (neither of which was too appetizing). But the best part of the night (well, for most of us, anyway) was the dancing. It was fun...whoo-hoo! The music was provided by a live bush-style band, complete with guitars, shakers, and a LOT of volume. Whoa! Finally, it was time for some much-needed rest, since our major Opera House concerts were the next day. Good night, y'all!
    -Update by Joshua and Michael (sorry for not sticking with the plan, but we're trying hard to get this page up-to-date!)

    Thursday, July 15, - Day 5 of 20

    Walking through Hyde Park during our tour of Sydney

    Performing in St. James Church

    The Line - waiting to send email

    Friday, July 16, - Day 6 of 20

    Cuddly Koala at the Australian Wildlife Park

    Jacob, Joshua, Laura, Kaeti, and Savannah posing with a koala at AWP

    Chorister from Partners in Praise petting a kangaroo

    Safety warning on the Blue Mountains Scenic Railway - the steepest railway in the world, with a grade angle of 52 degrees

    Preparing for the ride on the Scenic Railway-see Marcia hanging on??!

    Picture-taking at the Three Sisters Rock

    -Updates done by no one - I just threw up some pics so you could stay informed...

    Wednesday, July 14, - Day 4 of 20

    Choir photo op in view of Opera House & Harbour Bridge

    View down the span of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

    At the Aboriginal Art Gallery

    Advance Australia Fair! - Australia's Flag

    Front view of the Opera House

    The 4 choirs of Sydney Sings Festival in one photo together
    Today was quite interesting. The highlight of our day was touring Sydney with our escort, Tracey, and our wonderful bus driver, Sam. We got up early this morning and ate breakfast, leaving the hotel about 8:30a. After a short tour of Sydney, featuring The Rocks, an area of the city that was originally built with sandstone bricks carved by convicts, we headed to the Sydney Aquarium. During our tour there, we got to walk through underwater tunnels, with sharks and tropical fish swimming just feet above our heads! We even got to see a crocodile!
    Following the sightseeing excursion, we went to Gavala, which is a centre of Aboriginal culture located in the Darling Harbour shopping mall. We watched an exhibition featuring a didjeridu player, and we learned about various traditional Aboriginal instruments and tools. Following the performance, many of us purchased working boomerangs for souvenirs.
    After we regathered at the mall, Tracey led us to the lunch cruise on Sydney Harbour. The 4 choirs sailed around Sydney Harbour for a few hours, eating things like fish sticks, pasta, and cooked baby octopus (it's rubbery). After we got off of the boat, the 4 choirs gathered on the Opera House steps for group photos. Following the photos, we paraded as a mass choir to the Garrison Church for opening ceremonies. We sang a 10-minute segment during the concert, as did the other groups. (Toronto sang for 1:30, because they are the artists-in-residence.)
    After the concert, we walked to dinner at the Waters Edge Restaurant. That was quite good. (One table drank 10 pitchers of Coke.) We had chicken. After dinner, we drove back to the hotel and went to sleep. A fitting end to our first long day on Tour 1999. Later!
    -Update by Jennifer, Kaeti

    Tuesday, July 13, - Day 3 of 20

    More good airplane fun - sorry we don't have more pics, but this is all we've done!
    We're here! Today we landed in Sydney, and we had our first rehearsal. At the end of our 15 hour plane flight, as we approached Sydney, we were enraptured by the view. From the air, the city of Sydney (pop. approx. 4 million) looks never-ending. We're all very tired, and we went to bed early (like good kids...). During our brief tour, we discovered that Sydney has a lot of places to shop, and it's a huge town. Our first practice went quite well - Ms. Bartle was nicely impressed with us and the other 3 choirs in the Festival (Toronto Children's Chorus, Australian Children's Choir, and Partners in Praise). Our hotel rooms are quite nice and we're having a good time. They're feeding us well, but there is some strange food. We're leaving now to head to the sauna (which closes in 20 minutes), so sorry this is short. More later.
    -Update by Erin, Emily, Linnea, Jaci

    Sunday/Monday, July 11/12, - Days 1 & 2 of 20

    Hurry up and wait...Airport staging area at LAX

    This is how we survive the flight...Lizzie braiding Kathryn's hair

    Beautiful girls - Lizzie (red), Katie (green)
    Well, we're off! The day of flying got off to an interesting start at Anchorage International Airport this morning. Upon takeoff, our pilot struck the tail of the 737 on the runway, so we had to go back and have it inspected. Because we hadn't burned off any fuel yet, we landed overweight, so we had to inspect for that as well. That only put an hour delay in our schedule. Mark called ahead to Seattle and got Alaska to hold our flight to LA. In LA, we got on the plane, only to sit on the ramp for a while, because of unknown reasons. We left LA 1 hour and 30 minutes late. The flight from LA to Sydney was 15 hours long - long, looonngg, llloooonnnnnggggg.....!!!. After much uncomfortable sleep and some cramped stretching (?), we landed in Sydney. However, because of the dateline crossing, and our lost day, as well as the 18-hour time difference, the activities later in the day actually happened tomorrow. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow's update to see that!
    PS. Sorry, but we didn't have too many pics for today, so we took some pictures tomorrow and posted them. These are our girls, and this is our tour...ENJOY!
    -Update by Barrianne, Carrie B., and Rebecca (and Lizzie - but only a little!)

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