A N S W E R S T O T H E I R N Q U E S T I O N ----------------------------------------------------- "Who are you going to vote for, and why?" Volume 2, Number 6 October 30, 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, that's it! If you guys don't start gettin' people to sign up, I'm going to have to take drastic measures! Like say "naughty naughty" and get rude in my answers! :) If you guys get some subscribers, I'll promise to actually get the answers out ON TIME (woo!) in return! -- ASRDW1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #01 ACAD3A::FXMCS From: Milo - UAF Academic Computing Ren Hoek and Stimpson J. Cat in '92! Why? Heck, like a cartoon character could do any worse... -- R: Well, how about "The Born Loser" or "Ziggy." #02 ACAD2A::ASBAC From: Stubborn I'm going to vote for the candidate that can and will lead this nation out of the spiraling decline that it is caught up in. I am voting for the candidate that will bring to America, the values that it was born in... Liberty and Independance and the Pursuit of Happiness. I am voting for the candidate which will raise the standards of education in America and keep his/her nose out of our business. I am voting for the canidate who will serve the people, not rape them..... Hmmmmm..... I guess I'm not voting.... Quote for the day: If you belong to a society which votes, then do vote. If after looking over the issues and canidates you are undecided or do not wish to vote for any of the above, then at least vote against the ones you do not want. Then you can sit back and feel free to bitch about the regime that will be put in power...... (thanks and apologies to R.A.H.) -- R: I'm sure that Bob wouldn't mind. :) #03 ACAD2A::PSALP From: Perry ************************************************************************* 8 8 8 8 8 8 **** ROSS PEROT **** 8 8 8 8 8 8 ************************************************************************** Here are my reasons: 1. I take a look at the 4(?) trillion dollar deficit.. then I take a look at the 4 billion he has sitting at home... 2. I like homilies. 3. He seems to be the only one who's electable this year... (i.e. If you can vote for a candidate, he's electable) 4. No one else has shown me enough of their economic policy to decide yet. 5. I eat, sleep, and breath macintosh.... P.S. Sorry I didn't respond to the last two, I thought this was compiled on tuesday. That's what I get for not looking at your explain file Royce... -- R: Hey, no prob, least we can do is pity thee for not getting thy words in on time. I didn't know that Perot was a Mac user. Guess I'll have to vote for Clinton, then. :) #04 ACAD3A::FSJJP Sat 24 Oct 1992 11:38:51 ( 5/ 200) From: His Royal Highness Corwin Who am I going to Vote for? and Why? I thinks I'm going to vote for Hickel for President Why: He doesn't do anything but fuckup .. so we might as well pay him more to do what he's best at doing --- R: Hmm. Hell, as long as we're at it, vote Royster for Galactic Emperor #05 ACAD2A::ASBEW I am going to vote for Ross Perot. Why? because the alliteration of the term, "President Perot" is so nifty. And because he's the lesser of three evils.... -- R: Vote Cthulhu! Why settle for the lesser evil? #06 ACAD2A::ASFJP From: Jabberwokky I'm votin' for Lite Kernel James "Bo" Gritz, because he doesn't stand a CHANCE of winning and is so far on the fringe that he will be considered a protest vote. Lyndon LaRouche cracks me up, tho. His first act of the presidency would be to pardon himself. ha! Of the Big Three, I'd choose Perot, but I'd rather not see him win.. Andre Magoo is probably the best of the bunch to be president, which is a *really* sad commentary if you know anything of his legislative practices while representing Homer. Which brings me to what I should have answered last week. Why did Hillary Clinton shave her pubic hair? Her little way of saying "read my lips: no more Bush." Feh. Kibo-n-Xibo in '92. -- R: Feh, indeed! LaRouchies crack me up, too. fnord #07 ACAD2A::ASTJM1 From: Tasmanian Devil Perot, not only because he's a successful business man, a pillar in the community, a non-career politician, but becuase he has great one liners. :) -- R: I think that's why my father likes him, too. Woo. #08 ACAD2A::ASBWC From: Brady W. Clark - UAA Math VAX Hmm... Royster the Pollster, huh? Perot. How many times have you ever heard someone running for ANY office say that if you didn't like them, you shouldn't vote for them? He's straightforward, he's honest, he has completely avoided mudslinging on personal issues, and his ideas will work. The only hitch would be getting congress to work with him. But, as he has said, if he is elected, it will be such a miracle that congress will simply have to sit up and take notice. The media will definitely be watching. Even if only symbolic, I like that he has refused to take a salary. And I like the fact that his campaign is not financed by organizations who will expect him to further their agendas once he is elected. We're going to have to fix the budget eventually. Neither Bush or Clinton will do it. Their milktoast plans might not make things any worse, but Perot is the only one who will fix the problem, fix it now, and let us watch as he fixes it, as opposed to simply going on the news every few weeks and saying that things are bound to get better. I simply don't think that $.50 cents/gallon is as high a price to pay as the whiners think it is. If it will make our nation's economy strong again, I'm willing to go as far as it takes. And I think that any American who is proud to be an American should be too. -- R: Hmm. Interestin'. I just wanna see what he'll do ... it'll prove to be interesting, no matter where it goes. #09 ACAD2A::VNNBJ From: NEXUS 6 it makes no difference who you vote for when all three candidates are on the tri lateral commission, or the illuminaty. i know this kind of takes the fun out of it ,so i would have to say Clinton. (becouse he owes me ). -- R: Who are these Illuminati, anyway? fnord #10 ACAD2A::ASSPK From: A figment of your Imagination. Perot.........Because Bush has caused to many problems as it is, and I just don't like Clinton. Perot has alot of good ideas and may be a little hard headed, but has the country and people in mind, not his political carrer.... He is a buisness man and that's what we need someone with experience in fixing other people's fuck ups! He also doesn't take no for an answer easily, and will try everyway possible to get something accomplished that he has been asked to do by the people........ Well, let's see how much controversy I stir up with that one.... Spk P.S. If you aren't registered to vote, you can still vote on election day!!! You just need to ask for a SPECIAL BALLOT!! so, NO EXCUSES!!! VOTE!!!!!!!! -- R: Yeah, let's get out there and vote Truman! *-wait, where am I? -* :) #11 ACAD2A::PSJMR From: Ziggy well.....i'd vote for Jello Biafra...but he isn't running this time......which really sucks, i think the white house could someone like him......besides think a bout it .....President Biafra. (for those who don't know who Jello Biafra is he's the lead singer for the Dead Kennedys) -- R: Okay, in that case, I'm supporting Yelnik McWawa. #12 ACAD2A::ASSPR From: Aoxomoxoa For President? I ask that because there are several different races on the ballot which I am expected to give some thought to. I'm voting for Howard Phillips for President. Howard Phillips is the only truly credible and consistent choice for a conservative voter such as myself. -- R: Er, pardon me for the dumb question, but who's Howard Phillips? fnord #13 ACAD2A::ASTCR From: Frenchy No fair a poltical question tht is not fun. I will vote for the person that does not throw mud. -- R: Great. Sandy Duncan for President. (thwack! where's my eye?) #14 ACAD2A::AXSLK From: Shane Kingry - CaTS Consultant Ross Perot I have decided that Bush does NOT belong in the White House anymore for a whole variety or reasons... Clinton doesn't seem all that bad, but I think Perot has better ideas, and wouldn't be afraid to try them. From a business stand point, I think he would be a great asset to have at the top. I quite realize that we would have to give to get, and that in the course of change, there could be some suffering, but methinks it would be better in the long run. oh yea, and he [perot] was much better in the debates then the other two -- R: It's definitely different ... like wearing leather pants. #16 ACAD2A::PSSLA From: Lorraine Ross Perot: I think that he's got the right ideas to get this country back on it's feet ! -- R: And if he screws up, Lorraine will give him the Ax. #17 ACAD2A::FSMLM2 From: Rebelheart YOU!!!!!!! well youre funnier that perrot, quale and wont cost me as much as bush -- R: Nah ... oh, what the hell! Anybody else? The ayes have it. First, I make Heinlein required reading in high school honors English classes ... tax only those people who make no money, and abolish the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution itself. I declare a national emergency, administer IQ tests ... anyone with a score under 115 is summarily executed and made into Swanson Hungry Man dinners. #79 ACAD2A::ASTJM Fri 30 Oct 1992 23:36:01 ( 1/ 63) U From: Who said life was easy? Subject: perot because a vote for perot is a vote against clinton and bush... -- R: Hmm. Good point. Of course, I could vote for Quarrence "Pez" McLarzenge and achieve the same effect. His campain slogan is "Pez is to be loved ... not eaten." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWERS THAT MISSED LAST WEEK'S ISSUE ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #19 ACAD2A::PSCAC From: CHRISTOPHER A CULBERTSON Subject: Re: T H E I . R . N . Q U E S T I O N WHY DID THE BLOND GO HALF WAY TO NORWAY...TURN AROUND... AND GO BACK HOME??? ANS. IT TOOK THAT LONG TO FIGURE OUT THAT A 14 INCH VIKING WAS A TELEVISION SET!!!! -- R: Hee! Hee! Would you believe a 4-inch Sony? Fits in your palm!